Two veterans wrapped in quilts during Grange awards ceremony
To the Editor:
On Sunday, April 14, I was the coordinator and presenter for the Bethlehem Grange 137 Community Service Awards ceremony. The day began with an opening prayer, followed by the presentation by New York State Assemblywoman Patricia Fahy of the proclamation declaring April as National Grange Month.
Patricia Fahy told us a lot about her personal history and knowledge of the work of the Grange, as she also congratulated us for our 145th year in continuous operation as Bethlehem Grange 137. She also recognized the fact that our building is on the National Register of Historic Sites, and all of our hard work that goes into maintaining such an old building.
I then presented the Community Service Award to Captain Shaun Wagner, of the Glenmont station of the Selkirk Fire Department, for his work as a fireman, and potentially saving the life of a gentleman at the town park, while there at a group party, by performing the Heimlich maneuver on the gentleman.
Shaun was supported by the chief, the other captains, and many other firemen, all in their dress blues. In attendance, were also many of the department’s auxiliary members.
The Community Awards Ceremony included me presenting awards to veterans Edward F. Deyoe, my father-in-law, for his service in World War II, as General Patton’s number-two man, known as “Shorty,” and John E. Deyoe, my husband, for his service in the Vietnam War.
This was climaxed by the presentation of the two Quilts of Valor, to the two veterans, by Kerry Barnes of the Quilts of Valor Foundation. These quilts are all handmade and personally presented to veterans, to thank them for their service.
Father and son, Edward F. Deyoe and John E. Deyoe, were each presented his own quilt, with a certificate from the foundation, and the quilt was then wrapped around each veteran’s shoulders. The foundation has handmade and presented over 250,000 quilts to date to veterans in the United States and Canada.
This was followed by lots of pictures of all of the award recipients, and refreshments. The cake congratulated all of the Community Awards recipients and recognized Bethlehem Grange’s 145th Birthday, which was on March 17. The Community Awards Ceremony was only made possible by many of our members putting in lots of hours in preparation of our ceremony, and during our ceremony.
Carol Carpenter
Bethlehem Grange 137