Registration is open for I Love My Park Day
Registration is now open for the 10th annual I Love My Park Day, which will be held over the weekend of May 1 and May 2 at state parks, historic sites, and public lands across New York.
Volunteers can participate in cleanup events at 120 venues from Long Island to Western New York including sites operated by the Department of Environmental Conservation and municipal parks. Participants may register online.
Locally, Five Rivers Environmental Education Center in Bethlehem and New Scotland and John Boyd Thacher State Park in New Scotland and Knox are participating.
Volunteers will clean up debris, plant trees and gardens, restore trails and wildlife habitats, remove invasive species, and work on various site improvement projects.
Due to COVID-19, registration will be capped at 50 people per site per day. All projects will adhere to the proper requirements for social distancing and face coverings.
The New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation oversees more than 250 parks, historic sites, recreational trails, golf courses, boat launches, and more, which are visited by 78 million people annually.
A recent study found that New York State Parks generates $5 billion in park and visitor spending, which supports nearly 54,000 jobs.