Share your memories of Hilltown storms and ice-harvesting

To the Editor:
Do you remember the blizzard of  ’58 in the Hilltowns? One resident, Barbara, remembers the storm well.

“It was February and I just had my birthday. School was out for two weeks and snow drifts were 30 feet high. They had to bring big equipment from off the Hill to move all the snow.”

Another youngster, Catherine, was just 5 years old. She remembers the town trucks coming to their house to bring them over to their grandparents’ house on Stage Road.

“Yes, I remember the trucks went off the road into the cornfield because they couldn'’ tell where the road was,” she said.

Do you have memories or pictures from that ’58 storm?

How about harvesting ice from Warner’s Lake?

Or the Oct. 4, 1987 freak snowstorm with power outages for days?

The Berne Historical Society is inviting you to join us at 7 p.m. on April 29 at the Berne Public Library for “Storms and Ice Harvesting in the Hilltowns” presented by Donna Gwin and Anna Wolfe of the Knox Historical Society.

If you have pictures and memories to share from the blizzard of ’58 or just want to hear about wild times in the Hilltowns, put April 29 on your calendar. Refreshments are part of the fun.

Sandra Stempel


Historical Society

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