Max and I thank you
To the Editor:
Special thanks to everyone who sprang into action on Sunday, April 2, when my beloved black Lab, Max, fell through the ice in the pond in my front yard. The 9-1-1 dispatcher was patient despite my hysterical repeated demands to send immediate assistance (as I watched Max struggle to literally keep his head above water).
Thank you to Ginny Stewart who drove my neighbor, Morgan James (who was out walking his dog), to my house when I called. Bless you, Morgan, who despite recovering from a recent bout of bronchitis, did not hesitate to jump into cold pond water and rescue my Max.
Although I don’t know the names of the first responders, thanks to the Knox fire department, the Albany County Sheriff’s office, and all the rescue staff who came to our aid that day.
Thank you to Mary James who checked on both of us to make sure we were all right after things had settled down.
Yes, I may have overreacted when I saw my dog struggling and I was unable to help him. (The dispatcher cautioned me to wait for help and not to go out on the ice. Had Max gone underwater, I would have disregarded this advice and jumped into the water after him.)
But when I called for help, everyone came running and that meant the world to Max and me.
Debbie Barber Strawbridge