Altamont Enterprise April 12, 1918


Another reminder of winter came Tuesday, when snow fell to a depth of three or four inches, covering the ground with a mantle of white. It was of short duration, and at present there is hardly a trace left except along the mountain and in shade places. Those who were anxious to get gardens started last week may have to do their work over again.


— The “egg” social recently held in the Lutheran church hall was a very pleasant affair, and netted the society nearly $25.

— Mrs. Catherine Smith, for many years a resident of this village and neighborhood, passed into life eternal on Thursday of last week, at the home of her son in Schenectady. Mrs. Smith had been a great sufferer for two years and more, and this change must have been a very happy one to her. The funeral was held from the home of her son Lester on Monday morning, April 8, her pastor, Rev. E. O. Moffett, officiating. Her body was borne by her four sons, and burial took place in Prospect Hill cemetery. “To live is Christ; to die is gain.”


— George Ruland, the maple sugar man from over the mountain, was in town Monday, with a big load of sugar and syrup.

— Last Saturday morning Foster Decker set fire to a brush pile. The flames spread so rapidly that they ran over several fields. It was feared the house would burn. The alarm was given over the telephone, and after about 25 men arrived the fire was soon under control. Not much damage was done.


The New Scotland branch of the Red Cross has purchased a motor ambulance. This branch has a good membership and new names are constantly being added. The meetings are well attended and a large amount of work has been turned in to headquarters. Mrs. John R. Wayne will open her residence for the next meeting, which will be held on Saturday afternoon.


The Fivey Concert Company will give an entertainment at the Reformed church hall, Berne, on Saturday evening, April 13, in the interest of the third Liberty Loan. Let everybody come, and bring your friends along. Also come prepared to help the Liberty Loan. No admission.


The funeral of Ernest Carl was held from the M. E. church on Saturday afternoon. Burial was at Prospect Hill cemetery. Mr. Carl died at his home in Albany after a week’s illness of pneumonia. The sympathy of this community goes out to Mrs. Carl in her sad bereavement. Before her marriage Mrs. Carl was Miss Blanche Wormer of this place, and she will later come here to make her home with her father, William Wormer.


William Zimmer’s smoke house took fire last Wednesday afternoon while smoking meat, and burned down. Several large hams and a lot of bacon were pretty well cooked in the blaze.


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