Local notices: March 30, 2023

The Medusa Cemetery Association will the Annual Meeting and Election of Officers at 6:30 PM
on Tuesday, May 2, 2023 at the Medusa Fire House.  All lot owners and anyone interested in helping with the 
Cemetery are invited.  Any donations for the Cemetery would be appreciated.
Thomas Snyder, President
Medusa Cemetery Association


(Pursuant to Section 501 of the Real Property Tax Law)
Notice is hereby given that assessment inventory and valuation data is available for examination and review. This data is the information which will be used to establish the assessment of each parcel which will appear on the Tentative Assessment Roll of the Town of Westerlo, Albany County, New York, which will be filed on or before May 1, 2023.
The information may be reviewed, by appointment in the Assessor’s office at 933 County Route 401, Westerlo, NY 12193 on April 4, 2023 between the hours of 10:00 am - 1:30 pm and April 11, 2023 between the hours of 2:00 pm – 6:30 pm. An appointment to review the assessment information may be made by telephoning the Assessor at (518) 797-3111, ext. 1016.
Dated: March 23, 2023 
Melanie Bunzey, Assessor



PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town Board of the Town of Rensselaerville is inviting Sealed Bids for the hauling of trash and recycling. The price shall be a fixed cost for 1 week of hauling and shall include all costs for hauling, excluding dumping fees.
All prices shall be firm for the year. The contract period for the furnishing of services shall be from April 17, 2023 through April 12, 2024.
The Town reserves the right to reject any and all bids. NON-COLLUSIVE BIDDING CERTIFICATES MUST
Biding and specifications may be picked up at the Town Clerk’s Office during normal business hours at 87 Barger Road, Medusa, NY 12120. Phone (518) 239-4225. Bids are to be in the Town Clerk’s Office by April 13, 2023 at 6:45 pm. Bids will be awarded within a reasonable amount of time thereafter.
Dated: March 23, 2023
Victoria H. Kraker
Town Clerk



PLEASE TAKE NOTICE the Board of Trustees of the Village of Voorheesville will hold its Organizational Meeting on Monday, April 3, 2023 at 6:00 p.m.
A workshop meeting will follow.
The meetings will be held at the Village Hall, 29 Voorheesville Ave, the public is invited to attend. Contact Village Hall M-F 9 am - 4 pm at 518-765-2692, or email with any questions.
Amber Bleau-Green,
 Clerk Treasurer


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN   that the tentative budget for the Village of Voorheesville for the fiscal year June 1, 2023 to May 31, 2024 has been filed with the Village Clerk.  Copies may be obtained by contacting Village Hall (via email or phone) or our website until Thursday, April 13, 2023 when a public hearing will be held at 6:00pm. to consider such budget before final adoption.  A workshop will follow.
The annual salaries of the Board of Trustees are as follows:
Mayor:    $15,000.00
Trustee:    $  6,750.00 each
 The hearing will be held at the Village Hall, 29 Voorheesville Ave and the public is invited to attend.  
Amber Bleau-Green
Clerk Treasurer


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Board of Education of the Berne-Knox-Westerlo Central School District, Albany County, New York, that a public hearing of the qualified voters of said school district will be held at the Elementary School Building, in said District, in the village of Berne, New York, on Monday, May 8, 2023, at 7:00 P.M., Daylight Savings Time for the presentation of the budget document for the 2023-24 fiscal year.  
AND FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Section 1716 of the Education Law, that a copy of the statement of the amount of money which will be required for the ensuing year for school purposes may be obtained by any qualified voter in the District during the fourteen (14) days immediately preceding the Budget Vote at the following location between the hours of 9:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M.:  District Office, Berne, New York
AND FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the voting upon the appropriation of the necessary funds to meet the estimated expenditures and/or on propositions involving the expenditure of money to authorize the levy of taxes shall take place at the Elementary School Building on Tuesday, May 16, 2023, between the hours of 6:00 A.M. and 8:00 P.M.
AND FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Section 2004 of the Education Law, that petitions nominating candidates for the Office of Member of the Board of Education must be filed with the Clerk of the District between the hours of 7:30 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. no later than, April 17, 2023, the 30th day preceding the Annual School District Meeting or election at which the candidates so nominated shall be elected, and that such election and voting upon the appropriation of funds shall constitute the Annual School District Meeting.  The following vacancies are to be filled on the Board of Education:  Two Three-Year Terms Commencing 7/1/23 and Ending 6/30/26  Each petition must be directed to the Clerk of the Board of Education, must be signed by at least twenty-five (25) qualified voters of the District, or two (2) percent of the voters who voted in the 2022 election whichever is greater, shall state the name and residence of the candidate.  Petition forms are available at the Office of the Clerk of the District, 1738 Helderberg Trail, Berne, NY 12023.  Voting for the election of Candidates for the Office of Member of the Board of Education will take place at the Elementary School Building on Tuesday, May 16, 2023 between the hours of 6:00 A.M. and 8:00 P.M.
AND FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the following proposition will be submitted to the voters:
Proposition #1
RESOLVED:  Shall the Board of Education of the Berne-Knox Westerlo Central School District be authorized to (A) purchase school buses at a cost not to exceed $643,793, (B) expend such sum for such purpose, including the expenditure of $150,000 from the Transportation Reserve Fund, (C) levy the necessary tax therefore, to be levied and collected in annual installments in such years and in such amounts as may be determined by the Board of Education in accordance with Section 416 of the Education Law, taking into account state aid received and the amount expended from the Transportation Reserve Fund, and (D) in anticipation of the collection of such tax, issue bonds and notes of the District at one time or from time to time in the principal amount not to exceed $493,793 and levy a tax to pay the interest on said obligations when due?
AND FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that pursuant to Chapter 258 of the Laws of Section 2008, Section 495 was added to the Real Property Tax Law and requires the School District to attach to its proposed budget an exemption report.  Said exemption report, which will also become part of the final budget, will show how much the total assessed value on the final assessment roll used in the budgetary process is exempt from taxation, list every type of exemption granted, identify by statutory authority, and show:  (a) the cumulative impact of each type of exemption expressed either as a dollar amount of assessed value or as a percentage of the total assessed value on the roll; (b) the cumulative amount expected to be received from recipients of each type of exemption as payments in lieu of taxes or other payments for municipal services; and (c) the cumulative impact of all exemptions granted.  The exemption report shall be posted on any bulletin board maintained by the District for public notices and on any website maintained by the District.
AND FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that personal registration of voters is required either pursuant to Section 2014 of New York State Education Law or pursuant to Article 5 of the New York State Election Law.  If a voter has heretofore registered pursuant to Section 2014 of the New York State Education Law and has voted at any annual or special district meeting within the past four (4) calendar years, such voter is eligible to vote at this election; if a voter is registered and eligible to vote pursuant to Article 5 of the New York State Election Law, such voter is also eligible to vote at this election.  All other persons who wish to vote must register.  Applications can be obtained at https://www.dmv.ny.gov/more-info/electronic-voter-registration-application or at the Office of the Clerk of the District, 1738 Helderberg Trail, Berne, NY 12023.
AND FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that applications for absentee ballots may be applied for at the office of the Clerk of the District.  If the ballot is to be mailed to the voter, the completed application must be received by the District no later than 3:00 P.M. on May 9, 2023.  If the ballot is to be delivered personally by the voter, the completed application must be received by the Clerk of the District no later than 5:00 P.M. on May 15, 2023. A list of all persons to whom absentee ballots have been issued will be available for inspection by any qualified voter of the District in the Office of the Clerk of the District between the hours of 7:30 A.M. and 3:30 P.M. during the five days prior to the day of the Annual Meeting.
AND FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that military voters who are qualified voters of the Berne-Knox-Westerlo Central School District may request an application for a military ballot from the District Clerk by mail to the Office of the Clerk of the District, 1738 Helderberg Trail, Berne, NY 12023, or by email to the District Clerk at , or fax sent to 518-872-0938.  In such request, the military voter may indicate their preference for receiving the application by mail, fax or email.  A military voter must return the original military ballot application by mail to the Office of the Clerk of the District at 1738 Helderberg Trail, Berne, NY 12023.  In order for a military voter to be issued a military ballot, a valid military ballot application must be received in the office of the District Clerk no later than 5:00 p.m. on April 20, 2023.  Military ballot applications received in accordance with the foregoing will be processed in the same manner as a non-military ballot application under §2018-a of the Education Law.  The application for military ballots may include the military voter’s preference for receipt of the military ballot by mail, fax or email.
Dated:  March 31, 2023
Anne Farnam, District Clerk
Berne-Knox-Westerlo Central School District
Town of Berne, County of Albany, New York



Voorheesville Central School District
Notice of public hearing, budget vote, and election
    NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT a public hearing of the qualified voters of Voorheesville Central School District, County of Albany, State of New York will be held on May 8, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. in the LGI of the Clayton A. Bouton High School in said district for the presentation of a budget for the school year 20232024.
    AND NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN that the Annual District Meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 16, 2023 in the Voorheesville Middle School Foyer.  The polls will open at 2:30 p.m. Eastern Daylight Saving Time and voting will proceed until 9:00 p.m. on the following:
1. To elect two members of the Board of Education.  To elect two members for two 4-year terms terminating June 30, 2027, to fill the vacancy created by the expiration of the terms of Rachel Gilker, and Barbara Owens.
2. To vote on the Annual School Budget and the appropriation of the necessary funds to meet the estimate of expenditures, and to authorize the levy of taxes for this purpose.
AND NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN that at said Annual District Election and Budget Vote to be held on May 16, 2023, the following propositions will be submitted:
RESOLVED That the Board of Education of the Voorheesville Central School District, in the County of Albany, New York (the “District”), is hereby authorized to purchase various school buses and vehicles for use by the District and to expend $422,000 therefor; (b) that a tax is hereby voted in the aggregate amount of not to exceed $422,000 to pay such cost, said tax to be levied and collected in installments in such years and in such amounts as shall be determined by said Board of Education; and  (c)  that in anticipation of said tax, bonds of the District are hereby authorized to be issued in the principal amount of not to exceed $422,000 and a tax is hereby voted to pay the interest on said bonds as the same shall become due and payable.
    AND NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN that a copy of the statement of the amount of money which will be required for the ensuing year for school purposes, exclusive of public money, may be obtained by any taxpayer in the district during the fourteen days immediately preceding the Annual Meeting, except Saturday, Sunday or holiday, at the following schoolhouses in which school is maintained during the hours designated:
Schoolhouses                Hours
Voorheesville Elementary School    8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Voorheesville Middle School        8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Clayton A. Bouton High School    8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
    AND NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN that petitions nominating candidates for the office of member of the Board of Education must be filed with the Clerk of the district not later than the close of business on April 17, 2023.  Each petition must be directed to the Clerk of the district, must be signed by at least twenty-five (25) qualified voters of the district, must state the name and residence of the candidate and must describe the specific vacancy for which the candidate is nominated including at least the length of the term of office and the name of the last incumbent.
    AND NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN that a public hearing of the qualified voters of Voorheesville Central School District, County of Albany, State of New York will be held on Monday, May 15, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. at the Voorheesville Public Library for the presentation of the Public Library budget for the year 20232024.
    AND NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN that, as part of and contemporaneous with the Annual District Meeting, a vote will be held for the Voorheesville Public Library on the following:
To elect one member of the Library Board of Trustees for a term of five years ending on June 30, 2028 to fill the vacancy created by the expiration of the term of Alan Kowlowitz.
To vote on the annual Public Library budget and the appropriation of the necessary funds to meet the estimate of expenditures, and to authorize the levy of taxes for this purpose.
    AND NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN that letters requesting application for absentee ballots may be received by the District Clerk not earlier than the thirtieth (30th) day nor later than the seventh (7th) day before the election.  Requests should be addressed to:
Clerk, Board of Education
Voorheesville Central School District
P.O. Box 498
Voorheesville, NY 12186
Dated:  March 20, 2023
Jessica Tabakian
District Clerk



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing of the qualified voters of the Guilderland
Central School District, Albany County, Guilderland, New York, will be held on May 2, 2023 at
7:00 p.m., prevailing time, at Guilderland High School, 8 School Road, Guilderland Center, New York, for the presentation of the budget for the school year July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024.
NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that said vote and election will be held on May 16, 2023 between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m., prevailing time, at the following election districts:
School Election District No. 1     Altamont Elementary School, 117 Grand Street, Altamont, New York
School Election District No. 2    Guilderland Elementary School, 2225 Western Avenue, Guilderland, New York
School Election District No. 3    Lynnwood Elementary School, 8 Regina Drive, Schenectady, New York
School Election District No. 4    Westmere Elementary School, 6270 Johnston Road, Albany, New York
School Election District No. 5    Pine Bush Elementary School, 3437 Carman Road, Schenectady, New York
at which time the polls will be opened to vote by voting machine upon the following items:
To adopt the annual budget of the School District for the fiscal year 2023-2024 and to authorize the requisite portion thereof to be raised by taxation on the taxable property of the District;    
For the election of three (3) members to the Board of Education;
Upon the appropriation of an amount sufficient to operate the Guilderland School District Public Library separate and apart from the Annual School District Budget and authorizing the levy of taxes therefore;
For the election of two (2) Trustees to the Board of Trustees of the Guilderland Public Library.
NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that one Bond Proposition in substantially the following form shall be presented to the qualified voters of the District at such Annual District Meeting and Election:
(a)    That the Board of Education of the Guilderland Central School District, in the County of Albany, New York (the “District”), is hereby authorized to purchase various school buses and vehicles for use by the District, and to expend therefor, including preliminary costs and costs incidental thereto and the financing thereof, an amount not to exceed the estimated total cost of $1,206,000;
(b)    that a tax is hereby voted in the aggregate amount of not to exceed $1,206,000 to pay such cost, said tax to be levied and collected in installments in such years and in such amounts as shall be determined by said Board of Education; and
(c)    that in anticipation of said tax, bonds of the District are hereby authorized to be issued in the principal amount of not to exceed $1,206,000 and a tax is hereby voted to pay the interest on said bonds as the same shall become due and payable.
Such Bond Proposition shall appear on the ballots used for voting at said Annual District Meeting and Election in substantially the following condensed form:
(a)    That the Board of Education of the Guilderland Central School District, in the County of Albany, New York (the “District”), is hereby authorized to purchase various school buses and vehicles for use by the District and to expend $1,206,000 therefor (b) that a tax is hereby voted in the aggregate amount of not to exceed $1,206,000 to pay such cost, said tax to be levied and collected in installments in such years and in such amounts as shall be determined by said Board of Education; and  (c)  that in anticipation of said tax, bonds of the District are hereby authorized to be issued in the principal amount of not to exceed $1,206,000 and a tax is hereby voted to pay the interest on said bonds as the same shall become due and payable.
NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that a copy of the statement of the amount of money which will be required to fund the School District’s budget for fiscal year 2023-2024, exclusive of public monies, may be obtained by any resident of the District during business hours beginning May 2, 2023, except Saturday and Sunday, at the Administration Office, 8 School Road, Guilderland Center, New York, and at each of the following schools:  Altamont Elementary School, Guilderland Elementary School, Lynnwood Elementary School, Pine Bush Elementary School, Westmere Elementary School, Farnsworth Middle School, and Guilderland High School, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.
NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that petitions nominating candidates for the office of member of the Board of Education for three (3) vacancies of three (3) years each or for the office of trustee of the Guilderland Public Library for two (2) vacancies of five (5) years each, must be filed with the Clerk of the District no later than April 17, 2023 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. at the Administrative Offices, 8 School Road, Guilderland Center, New York.  Each petition must be signed by at least ninety six (96) qualified voters of the District with their addresses for the office of the Board of Education and for the office of the trustee of the Guilderland Public Library, and said petition must state the name and residence of the candidate.  Vacancies on the Board of Education or Guilderland Public Library shall not be considered separate; specific offices and the nominating petitions shall not describe any specific vacancy for which the candidate is nominated.  Candidates receiving a plurality of the votes cast respectively for the several offices shall be declared elected in accordance with the provisions of Section 2034 of the Education Law, with the top three Board of Education candidates each being awarded a three (3) year term and the top two Guilderland Public Library candidates being awarded a five (5) year term each.
NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that applications for absentee ballots will be obtainable during business hours from the District Clerk; completed applications must be received by the District Clerk at least seven (7) days before the election if the ballot is to be mailed to the voter, or the day before the election, if the ballot is to be delivered personally to the voter.  Absentee ballots must be received by the District Clerk no later than 5:00 p.m., prevailing time, on May 16, 2023.
NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that personal registration of voters is required.  The Board of Registration shall meet on May 4, May 8 and May 9, 2023 from 8:30 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. at the following places: (1) Altamont Elementary School; (2) Guilderland Elementary School; (3) Lynnwood Elementary School; (4) Westmere Elementary School; and (5) Pine Bush Elementary School for the purpose of preparing a register of the qualified voters of the school district for said Annual Vote and Election, at which time any person shall be entitled to have their name placed upon such register, provided that such person is known or proven to the satisfaction of such Board of Registration to be then or thereafter entitled to vote at the Annual Vote and Election.  Additionally, any person otherwise entitled to vote at said Annual Vote may register at the District Offices, 8 School Rd., Guilderland Center, New York, on May 4, May 8 and May 9, 2023 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.
The register of the qualified voters of the School District prepared at the Special Meeting held on May 17, 2022 shall be used by said Board of Registration as the basis for the preparation of the register for said Annual Vote and Election to be held on May 16, 2023.  Any person whose name appears on such register or who shall have been previously registered for any Annual Vote or Special District meeting or election and who shall have voted at any Annual or Special meeting or election held at any time since January 1, 2019 will not be required to register personally for this Annual Vote and Election.  In addition, any person otherwise qualified to vote who is registered with the Board of Elections of Albany County under the provisions of the Election Law, shall be entitled to vote at said Annual Vote and Election without further registration.
Upon its completion, said register will be filed in the office of the District Clerk and will be open for inspection by any qualified voter of the District from May 11, 2023 to the day of the vote, May 16, 2023, Sunday excepted, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. (Prevailing Time) with the exception of Saturday, May 13, 2023 when the hours will be by appointment only.
The boundaries of the school election districts are as follows:
School Election District no. 1 – includes all of the lands contained within the boundaries of the Altamont Elementary School zone;
School Election District no. 2 – includes all of the lands contained within the boundaries of the Guilderland Elementary School zone;
School Election District no. 3 – includes all of the lands contained within the boundaries of the Lynnwood Elementary School zone;
School Election District no. 4 – includes all of the lands contained within the boundaries of the Westmere Elementary School zone;
School Election District no. 5 – includes all of the lands contained within the boundaries of the Pine Bush Elementary School zone;
Only qualified voters who are duly registered will be permitted to vote.
A report of tax exemptions, showing how much of the total assessed value on the final assessment roll or rolls used in that budgetary process is exempt from taxation, shall be annexed to the budget document.
Linda M. Livingston
District Clerk
Dated: April 1, 2023




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