Have we lost all human decency?
To the Editor:
At church on Sunday, our pastor described the grim reality of Governor Andrew Cuomo’s Reproductive Health Act. He explained that a baby only moments from birth can be killed and those babies lucky enough to survive can be left to die.
I looked at my 8-year-old daughter who until then was coloring in a coloring book, seated in the pew next to me. She looked up with tears streaming down her face.
“What are we going to do?” she asked. “I don’t want this to happen.”
My 8-year-old knows this abortion expansion law is immoral. She feels empathy for the babies who will suffer and die because of this legislation.
But our Democratic lawmakers are celebrating, gallivanting around in their fuchsia pink outfits. Have we lost all human decency? Have we become so wedded to our political party that we only care about winning at all costs, even if it means destroying the most innocent and precious of living beings — a human baby?
Do we not care about our doctors and nurses who now shoulder the burden of committing murder for fear of losing their jobs? Governor Cuomo once said if you are pro-life, you are not welcome to live in the State of New York. He is a man of his word.
He has made New York the abortion capital of the world with no conscience, with no caring about the suffering of innocent victims — a sweet baby and her mother who will have nothing but regret and a broken heart.
Jennifer Richard
Burnt Hills
Editor’s note: See related editorial.