Politics have never been a factor for Switzkill Farm Board and Friends
To the Editor:
Switzkill Farm is a 350-acre park owned by the town of Berne and available for all to use. It provides trails, large-group rental space in the lodge, scenic vistas of the Catskills, public events, and more.
Since its purchase just over three years ago for the minimal about of $112,000, it has been used by Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, for weddings, birthdays, yoga, anniversary parties, meetings, star parties, public festivals, radio-controlled car racing, and more. The goals for the park not only include providing recreational opportunities for people but also to bring people to the Helderbergs from “off the Hill” and to assist local businesses through event catering and purchases while passing through.
Since the creation of the Switzkill Farm Board and the Friends of Switzkill Farm, which are both volunteer-based, countless hours have gone into planning, leading tours, organizing events, working with local community members and interest groups, and trying to make this park an amazing resource for the people.
The board and friends group are not of one political affiliation and politics has never played a factor in any of our activities. The people involved in these groups, myself included, care deeply about the town of Berne and the Helderbergs and recognize this park has many things to offer residents including social, economic, recreational, and health benefits.
It is disparaging to the residents that give so much of their time to help the town of Berne when juvenile, ignorant, “fake news” posts are created purely as a hateful political statement.
For those who have not yet been to the park, please visit the Switzkill Farm Facebook page and request a tour of the facility. If interested in renting the lodge for an event, please contact Anita Clayton, the town clerk, at 518-872-1448.
Mark Hohengasser
Vice Chairman
Switzkill Farm Board