Dean Whalen: A reasoned and fair voice

To the Editor:
I would like to thank Dean Whalen for his years of service to the community as a member of the Altamont Village Board and as liaison to the planning board. I know the number of hours he must have spent preparing for and attending numerous meetings, but also the time required to study background information to effectively respond to the many issues that have arisen over the years.

But I also want to commend Dean for the manner in which he performed those duties. I always felt that he approached each issue with an open mind and a willingness to listen to and seriously consider input from the public. He was a reasoned and fair voice and, even though we didn’t always agree on issues, he consistently made sure to explain how he arrived at his decisions.

Dean has also served the community in many other ways. Those I am aware of include serving on the Comprehensive Plan Committee and as an active member of the Altamont Community Tradition from the very beginning.

He involved the Boy Scouts in the Victorian Holidays when his son was young, and offered his architectural skills both in the initial planning for a Altamont Fair Flower Building renovation grant application and when a redesign of the facade of the Altamont Post Office was considered to bring it more in line with the historic character of the village.

These are only a few of Dean’s contributions, I am sure, but they clearly demonstrate his willingness to continuously give of his time and talent for the benefit of the village. We will surely miss his architectural expertise on the village board, but also his calm, respectful, and knowledgeable presence.

Thank you, Dean.

Kristin Casey


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