You can’t eat, drink, or breathe money
To the Editor:
It is interesting to read that Supervisor Barber is now worrying if there will be adequate water for Guilderland [“No moratorium yet, super cites water-capacity concerns,” The Altamont Enterprise, Feb. 9, 2024].
Did not seem to be a concern in 2020 when we were told there was adequate water to provide for the massive development decimating green space across Guilderland. This is a part of my comment to the Guilderland Planning Board on May 13, 2020 regarding the Rapp Road Mixed Use Project including the building of Costco.
“Water: The DEIS [Draft Environmental Impact Statement] claims Guilderland has ample water to manage the increased daily demand of 81,170 G.P.D. [gallons per day] cumulatively, the current plan for the proposed sites…”
“I was on a call last week where Bill McKibben, founder of was speaking about the future of water. It was frightening, the U.S. has a major threat to our 40 major aquifers, they are being rapidly depleted per the U.S. Geological Survey (2013 ), National Geographic reported on this as well, some aquifers are down so far it would take 12 years possibly to refill them.”
“There is a projected increase of water (here and globally) as more use is needed for population growth, farming and so on to provide for population growth, this will cause water wars. Is Guilderland planning for the future?”
If there were to be wild fires like when I grew up, the water supply would be depleted quicker protecting homes now that the Pine Bush is so over developed. I think Robyn Gray of the Guilderland Coalition for Responsible Growth was right on (as usual) when she wondered about B.S. as reported in The Altamont Enterprise on Feb. 8.
Guilderland is building and expanding wildly; it is tragic to see the destruction and a crime against all species, future generations, and the planet. Can’t eat, drink, or breathe money.
Sincerely and with sadness,
Wendy Dwyer, RN, BS
Editor’s note: Wendy Dwyer notes that she owns and pays taxes on property in Guilderland Center where she grew up.