Altamont Enterprise February 11, 1921
The great Lincoln Memorial at Washington, costing about two and a half million dollars, is virtually completed and will likely be dedicated this year. Its architectural beauty impresses and inspires all who visit it, but big as it is, as beautiful as it is, it can only serve in its mute limited way to remind this nation in the centuries to come of the great spirit of the man whose memory it commemorates, the humble Abe Lincoln, American — born Feb. 12, 1809; died April 15, 1865.
— Archie Atkins and Vernon Whitford have their ice houses filled with 13 inch ice from the pond.
— Little Irvin Arnold, who has been confined to his home for some time with whooping cough, is not much better at this writing.
Many are afflicted with measles in this village. Quarantine notices are posted on several houses. Among those who are ill are Harriet Hallenbeck, Cuyler Becker, Herbert Young, Donald Vosburgh and Evelyn Vosburgh.
— The last reports from the two boys who recently enlisted are that Charles Roney was passing through Montana and Charles Tompkins is in Virginia.
— Ray Shufelt of Rensselaerville is pressing up a fine lot of hay for the farmers throughout the Switzkill valley.
— Twin babies arrived at the home of Ervin Crewell on Wednesday of last week. The little girl lived only a few hours, but the boy and his mother are both getting along fine.
— The Maccabee dance was well attended and all report a fine time. They will give another one in the hall on Wednesday evening, Feb. 16th. Ladies please bring cake or pickles.
A subscription of five dollars from the pupils of the Altamont High school has been sent to the treasurer of the European Relief fund for the destitute children of Central Europe, making an addition to the amount already sent from Altamont and collected very largely by the children of the village.
— Friends and relatives of Hiram Warner gave him a post card shower Monday, Feb. 7, on his 91st birthday. He received 59 cards. He is hale and hearty for one of his years. He is quite crippled with rheumatism, walking with two canes. He attended morning services in the Lutheran church on Sunday, Feb. 6.
— John Young went to Albany Monday evening and left on the night train for New York city, where he expects to meet Mrs. Young on her return from Norway. She has been gone since October.
The Ladies’ Aid will have a quilting bee at the home of Mrs. William Zimmer next week.
The Christian Endeavor society will have a business meeting Saturday night in the church, followed by a Valentine party. Refreshments of cake and coffee will be served free.
Many residents of this place have already seen and heard red robins.