Altamont Enterprise February 8, 1924


At a valentine social which is to be held in the Reformed church hall upon the evening of February 14th, arrangements have been made for a distribution of valentines, etc. Remember that if you fail to receive a valentine by U. S. mail you can be sure of one by attending this social. 


Under the present rate of progress practically every pupil in the school will very soon be vaccinated and immune to diphtheria. We hope by the end of the year, if not at present, to put this school among the first in the county in the health and care of children. 


The newly installed pipe organ at the First M. E. church of Voorheesville will be dedicated on Sunday, Feb. 10th with appropriate services both morning and evening. Special music. The morning sermon will be on “A Parable for the Day.” The evening discourse will be “The Ministry of Music.” This will be a great day for the church. The choir is in the charge of Mrs. R. Taylor and Miss Katherine Livingston is to be the organist. 

— Bert Way’s team ran away, when the wagon tongue broke, throwing him out and a wheel ran over his head, cutting his face and injuring his shoulder quite badly, last Saturday. 

— Fred Flagler will assist Bert Way with his haypressing until Mr. Way is able to work again. 


Mrs. Joseph Tremblay has typhoid fever at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Ira Schoonmaker. Dr. Hurst is attending her, also two nurses. Her friends hope for a change for the better, soon. 


If a package containing a bunch of chair cane is found, please notify Mr.s S. M. Smith, Delmar, R. F. D. 

Lutheran Church Note

It may be of interest to the contributors to know that the total amount handed in for German relief work was $93.75. This was a splendid response to the appeal and those in charge of the work are very grateful to all who helped to make it a success. 

Welma Tallmadge of Indianfields, was through this place selling jello for their Sunday school. 


Delmar—Delaware Ave. Beautiful home and poultry plant; 2-½ acres. House has all improvements; large lawn, driveway; 3-car garage; fine shade trees. Three large poultry houses, with runways; electric lights; feed house, brooder house; everything for up-to-date poultry plant. Convenient to bus and R. R. station. Price under $18,000. 

New Salem—On state road. Nine-room house, two large porches (one new last year); large front and back yards, never-failing well, cistern in kitchen. Could not be built today for asking price. Price, quick sale, $1,200.

Classified Ads 

FOR SALE — Ice pond, about 500 tons, 14 inches thick. $50.00 cash. W. S. Wright, Delmar. 


Margaret Mott spent Tuesday night in Altamont and attended a leap year party. 

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    — About twenty men including Masons, Odd Fellows, and Klansmen, from this village, attended a large mass meeting at Gallupville Sunday evening and listened to a very fine address delivered by the Rev. Mr. Black of Central Bridge. 


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