Altamont Enterprise Jan. 23, 1920


— Julian Voss, proprietor of Hotel Altamont, expects to convert the hotel barns and stables into a first class garage. The entire building will undergo extensive repairs and will be fitted up with steam heat and all necessary equipment. New floors and side walls will also be a part of the improvements planned by Mr. Voss. The coming of the automobile has been the means of turning many places into garages, making them bring to the owners a splendid return for the money invested. 

— The house on the old S. S. Fowler farm, near Meadowdale, now owned by a foreigner, was totally destroyed by fire on Tuesday evening. The fire started in the chimney and when the blaze was discovered the house was a mass of flames. The entire household effects were lost except a few articles of wearing apparel and some trunks. The barn and outbuilding were saved. It is reported that the owner carried an insurance of a thousand dollars with the town company. 

— Property owners who neglect or refuse to shovel their walks will be charged with the cost of shoveling when they pay their village taxes, as the street commissioner is authorized to shovel all such walks and the cost is charged to the negligent property owner. Keep your walks open! 


On Thursday, January 29th, at the regular church night service, Dr. Bruce S. Wright, pastor of Trinity church, Albany, will give his stereopticon lecture on the Phillipine Islands. A cordial invitation is extended to all. 


— A number of autos passed over the road Sunday. 

— The snow of last Friday made fine sleighing. The mail carrier drove a team Monday for the first time this winter. 


Mrs. John Gallup, an aged and very highly respected citizen, who has been a great sufferer with cancer, was buried Tuesday of this week. The family has the sincere sympathy of this community. She was a devout Christian and will be greatly missed in the church as well as in the home. 


Clayton Bouton, school teacher of Clarksville, was here this week assisting in the regents examinations and while here was entertained at the home of the principal, Ivan Gifford. 

FOR SALE — A carpenter’s tool chest, it passed through the Civil war yet in very good condition. Mrs. Phoebe A. Winne, Altamont, R.D. 3.

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