Altamont Enterprise January 13, 1922




Bids for seven highway contracts in the Capital District involving 37.43 miles of road construction were received this week by the state highway department.
This included Guilderland-Duanesburg road, 5.89 miles, with the lowest bidder being Kellam and Shaffer of Schenectady, $207,665,20. This is the unimproved portion of the Western turnpike to Schenectady county line. There were 26 bidders in all for this improvement, the highest bid being $250,579.50, the same as the engineer’s estimate. 



At a nearby store last Saturday evening, twelve people were gathered, the youngest a boy of twelve years of age; their combined ages totaled 772 years. 



— The First National bank will have a limited number of the new silver dollars, called the “Peace dollar,” to distribute the first of the week. Call early for your sample. 

— Miss Rachel Keenholts left for Catskill on Sunday, where she will act of substitute teacher of gymnastics, in the high school, for two months. 

— Mrs. Sidney Crounse entertained the members of her Sunday school class Tuesday evening at her home. Dinner was served at 6:30, followed by the playing of games. The class has chosen as its name the “Live Wires.” 

— It is reported that Mrs. Sarah Schoonmaker has sold her property on Prospect street to pirates from Colonie. 

— A class for Bible study has been arranged, with Henry Clarke of Albany as leader. Every one who may be interested in Bible study is invited to attend. The meetings will be held Friday evenings at 7:45, at the home of Mrs. Winfield Keenholts. The first meeting is Friday, Jan. 13 and the study is from Genesis 1:1. 



Edward Gainsley of Voorheesville is cutting and drawing wood from the wood lot he purchased of Wesley Long.



Arthur S. Tompkins has taken the contract to draw the milk to Schoharie the coming year. 



— Mumps have entered into our usually quiet little neighborhood and created quite an excitement. 

— At the last meeting of the reading circle, Mrs. Alfred Mattice was best in the tongue twister contest. 



J. M. Whitbeck has a gang of men harvesting a fine quality of spring water ice from his pond. 


A number from this place are suffering from severe colds. 



There will be a hot beef supper at the Township hall on Jan. 20th. The proceeds will be used toward repairing the church. Price of supper is 50 cents. Everybody is welcome.



James Secor, who had the misfortune to have his car partly destroyed by fire some time ago, has it in running condition again. 

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