There was a great TV show in the 1970s called “Kung Fu.” It was about the adventures of Kwai Chang Caine, a Chinese “Shaolin Priest,” or monk, played by David Carradine.

Though Carradine was not Asian, he had the kind of face, facial expressions, and demeanor that let him be very believable in the role. In fact, he was great at it.

His character defended his Master when the Master was insulted. In that society — a feudal type of society, kind of like our Wild West but with swords instead of guns — any kind of slight from an underling could not be tolerated.

He’s forced to leave his home and all he’s known and winds up traveling through the old American west armed only with his wits and fierce martial arts skills.

As you can imagine, he was not taken too kindly by many folks in the rough and tumble American west. He meets all kinds of people and gets into dramatic and dangerous adventures every episode.

Seeing him wipe out six cowboys at a time with swift roundhouse kicks, throws, and chops never gets old. Note: He didn’t go around beating people up because he wanted to; it was only used as a last resort, which made it all the more poignant.

Often, before someone knew what Caine was physically capable of, they’d look at him dressed in rags, barefoot, and with no possessions, and say something like, “What can you possibly do about it?”

The answer he always gave, which still resonates with me today, was this: “I can think. I can wait. I can fast.”

Let’s briefly examine each of these.

Clearly we know that the following are not wise activities: smoking two packs a day, drinking until you pass out, beating your spouse, gambling away the rent money, shoplifting, and standing on the edge of the cliff at Vrooman’s Nose to take a selfie.

Yet people still do these things and much worse all the time. Tellingly, we have the largest prison population of any country in the world.

Are people really thinking when they engage in such questionable and often dangerous behaviors? I don’t think so. Just because we have the ability to think doesn’t mean we do it.

We all have to make decisions and choices throughout the day and throughout our lives. Some of these choices are trivial — pepperoni or cheese pizza, let’s say — but others much more so: drop out of school, steal from your grandparents, etc.

Truly, the ability and inclination to simply think before acting are so, so important. In fact, the word THINK was the long-time slogan for a little company called IBM, and they did all right.

One good thing about getting old — assuming you live that long — is you make enough mistakes that you finally learn from them. That’s called wisdom, and it’s often wasted on the young, as the saying goes.

When we’re young, we’re invincible, or so we think. When I look at the dangerous stuff I did in my misspent youth I’m genuinely amazed that I’m sitting here today writing this.

Next is waiting. This is a very underappreciated skill but one that is very powerful. In fact, if hormone-crazed teenagers could learn to wait, we’d have a lot less problems in the world (though I know that is notoriously tough — been there, done that).

There is a famous experiment where a small child is given a cookie but is told if he or she can wait a couple of minutes while the researcher leaves the room he or she can have a second cookie. As you would expect, some kids can wait and some can’t.

The fascinating thing is they’ve followed these kids long-term and the ones who waited had much, much better life outcomes than the ones who couldn’t. Wow.

Being able to wait — for a flight, for graduation, for Christmas, or whatever — comes down to being able to put off instant gratification and learning to think long-term. I, for one, try never to be without a book no matter where I am. Books keep the brain cells functioning like nothing else and really help me tolerate waiting.

As for long-term thinking, as a kid I always thought time dragged on slowly, especially during the long, hot and humid summers in the city. But, once you’re an adult with a spouse, kids, a job, and a house, you have so much to do all the time that time really seems to fly by.

I’ve often imagined what I would do if I were held captive for a long time. How would I deal with the solitude and lack of mental stimulation?

Assuming my physical needs were met — including dental floss, haha — it comes down to passing time without dying of boredom. Some of the activities I’ve thought of to pass the time include writing a whole computer software system in my head, or designing the floor plan for my dream house (more garage bays than bedrooms would be nice, thank you very much). Learning how to wait patiently is an asset for sure.

Finally, we have fasting. For a while I was doing a complete one-day fast weekly. When I had colonoscopy prep, I had to fast for two days.

Then there is intermittent fasting, where you only eat between certain hours, say 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. There are many ways to fast, and you can do it if you try. Giving your digestive system a break — especially around or after the holidays when so much food is served — can be a good idea.

I have a friend who told me that, one time, he wasn’t feeling right spiritually so he fasted for nine days. Nine days! I asked him how he felt afterwards and he said not too bad but he admitted he was a little lethargic at work.

Can you imagine that — he went to work while not eating for nine days straight. I only worked in a cubicle at a desk, nothing too physical, yet even I wouldn’t try that.

The point is, fasting is a tool that can be used to get your diet, or even your spirit, back in shape. Use it wisely and please check with your doctor first if you’ve never done it before. Just because it works for some doesn’t mean it will work for you.

Being able to think, wait, and fast are not as exciting as wicked cool martial arts skills, but in many ways are equally as powerful. Try them, grasshopper, and you will not be disappointed.

I remember in grade school having that special three-lined paper to learn penmanship and cursive writing. Often the paper came in booklet form. The teachers would draw a perfect letter on the blackboard, and we would try to replicate it.

Having that dashed center line was a big help. It made it easy for young hands to size the letters consistently.

Believe it or not, I was actually able to write legibly in cursive from following this regimen. I wasn’t great at it, but I could read back what I had written and even turn in assignments.

Some of us were better at it than others. In general, maybe because they took more time or cared more, it was obvious the girls were much better at neat, legible, and in many cases, quite beautiful cursive writing.

Most of the boys, it seemed, just did it and then moved on, though there was always that one guy in every class who could write and draw like an artist through some gift from God. You know the one, the guy who could just sketch freehand something incredible like it was nothing. How I wish I could do that.

My handwriting wasn’t bad until I got my first serious job, which was at a bank. I was a teller, then a head teller, then an EDP (Electronic Data Processing) Auditor. Each new job came with increased responsibility.

This meant I was signing and approving things all day long. After a while, speed became more important than legibility. You think I’m kidding?

Try being a bank teller at 4 p.m. in Penn Station with a hundred seething people in line and everyone anxious to not miss their crowded train home to Jersey or the Island. You better not dawdle, or you’ll hear about it quite vociferously.

At some point, due to the need for speed and the lack of practice, my handwriting had deteriorated to the point where it was easier for me to just print when I needed to take notes or write something down. This meant I was only using cursive for my signature.

Without regular cursive practice, my signature degraded to the point where I would get asked if I was a doctor or something (doctors are notorious for quickly scribbled prescriptions that are barely legible).

Not being able to read your own writing is pretty bad. I had the kind of jobs where quick note-taking in meetings was essential; no way could I do that fast enough in cursive and still have it be legible.

Nowadays, the kids have laptops or tablets and type their notes in class or at work, but that wasn’t an option for us Baby Boomers. So are kids better off today with typing and not even trying to print or, God forbid, actually write in cursive?

I would argue that cursive writing is an essential skill that should be taught in schools and used more by adults. Ironically, cursive writing — that is writing without lifting the pen off the page — was intended to speed up the process of creating written information. By not lifting the pen you, theoretically, should write more quickly.

But, in my case, it’s just too easy to get sloppy unless I go really slowly. I can actually print using simple block letters much faster than I can write in cursive. I’m sure that’s not uncommon.

When you even see actual handwriting these days, which is as rare as the unicorn, it’s usually simple printed block letters. The use of good cursive script is a rarity.

The only time most of us ever deal with cursive writing anymore is when we sign our names. Some signatures are legible. Most are anything but. I can’t complain, because mine is just a scribble.

If you go to a book-signing, often the author’s signature will not be legible. However, if I had to sign my name 200 times in a row, unless I went excruciatingly slowly, mine would be illegible too. I’ll give authors a pass in this regard. It’s got to cramp your fingers to sign your name that often.

Speaking of authors, imagine all the classics like “Moby Dick,” “Walden,” “The Great Gatsby,” and so many more that were written with a quill, ink, and a yellow legal pad or something similar. How awesome is that?

When those authors needed to “cut and paste,” they literally got out the scissors, cut out a part of their draft, and pasted it somewhere else. Those of us who write with word processors have no idea how easy we have it. And I didn’t even mention spellcheck.

When my father was alive, we’d need him to sign various forms for insurance, benefits, etc. He never wrote anything in his whole life. Signing his name was the only time he used a writing instrument.

Incredibly, he thought that, if he didn’t sign his name perfectly, people would think he was stupid. So he always signed his name excruciatingly slowly, so he could get it right.

I mean, when he would start to sign his name, you could get up, pour yourself a cup of coffee, come back, and he’d still be on his first name. But let’s give him some credit, because at least he eventually got it.

There are some people who cannot sign their name at all and have to use “X” as their signature. That’s sad, really. We should have a literate society. The fact that we don’t is sad, to say the least.

If you want to see some beautiful handwriting, look at the Declaration of Independence. The gorgeous cursive writing, including the famous signature of John Hancock, is truly stunning and lends gravitas to this foundational and historic document.

How can anyone look at something so grand as this and then say we shouldn’t teach it to our kids? Kids, early on, need to be exposed to good penmanship. It’s a foundational skill. Remember “reading, writing, ’rithmatic?” There is no debate! Kids should learn to write in cursive, period.

My lovely wife has a long-time friend who does calligraphy. This is cursive writing on steroids. It’s handwriting and penmanship that is so beautiful it’s used on wedding invitations and other formal documents.

Safe to say calligraphy is art. That calligraphy is just really carefully done cursive writing — something that we should all be able to do — is amazing. Maybe we’re all artists if we just took the time to slow down, pay attention, and care.

My plan from here on out is to improve my signature so that it’s legible, no matter how long it takes me to do it. I’m also going to try to use cursive writing just for the sake of getting better. Maybe I’ll write my wife a love letter. I don’t know if she’ll be more surprised by the content or the cursive. We shall see.

— Photo from Frank L. Palmeri

Santa steps down from a firetruck to greet Guilderland children.

I thought that when I carried a firefighter down a ladder during training from a second-story window without dropping him or falling, that that would be the highlight of my volunteer firefighting career.

Then, when I was crawling around on my belly, holding onto a tool connected to another firefighter, who was connected to a wall in a pitch black, smoke-filled room and successfully found and “saved” the simulated human body, I thought that would have to be the highlight of my career.

However, in both cases I was wrong. The highlight of my firefighting career to date has to be playing Santa for the Guilderland Fire Department’s annual Santa’s Ride. What a blast.

The Guilderland Fire Department does a “Santa’s Ride” every year. The town is large enough that there are actually two Santa’s Rides and two separate routes on the same day when we do this.

Even with two rides going on at the same time, it still is a solid four-hour commitment. That’s four solid hours of driving around in fire apparatus, handing out toys to kids and candy to adults, plus the hours of preparation before and the cleanup after. It’s a huge endeavor and I applaud the officers of GFD for making it go so smoothly.

I’ve never played Santa in my life before, but once you put on the costume, including the wig, beard, and hat, you just get right into it. Unfortunately, my red pants kept falling down all day.

I mean I’m not exactly svelte at this point, but next year I’ll use suspenders for sure. If I keep my diet clean until then, I’ll even stick a pillow under my shirt to give me that really authentic Santa look as well.

We had one vehicle as spotters ahead of us, while we rode in one of the firetrucks. When the spotters would see some kids or families, they’d radio us the location so we’d be prepared.

When we arrived, I’d get off the rig, offer some “ho ho hos,” and then reach into my big red bag to hand out an appropriate toy. We had dolls for girls, Matchbox cars for boys, and little stuffed animals with sewed-on eyes (no buttons) for infants. We even had coloring books and puzzles for older kids.

Sometimes I’d guess a kid’s age wrong. The water must be good here in Guilderland, as we have a couple of really tall 7-year-olds in town! But all in all, I have to hand it to the Guilderland Fire Department for making sure that every kid got something. How great is that?

I don’t know about you, but I’m a sucker for kids. I have four of my own and remembering those days when they were small is one of my favorite pastimes.

You should have seen the look in the little girls’ eyes when I handed them those dolls. The same with the little boys and the toy cars. To think that such simple gifts could spark such happiness; it doesn't get any better.

Here’s a tip: I’ve seen kids spend more time playing with the empty cardboard box that the toy came in than with the toy itself. Kids have amazing imaginations. They can make toys out of almost anything. Perhaps this year, consider spending less on toys and more on their college fund. Just a thought.

At one point during the ride, the officer instructed us to pull up in front of an ordinary looking house. He knocked on the door, went inside, and then a moment later indicated that we should join him. Turns out it was a group home.

They were not interested in any gifts, but they wanted to see Santa. I know there is controversy about group homes. Some people don’t want them in their neighborhood.

But when I went in there, there was nothing to dislike; in fact, I was extremely proud that this clean, quiet, unassuming home exists in Guilderland. There were some very disabled folks in there, being taken care of with great respect and decency by very concerned caregivers.

I went around and ho-ho-hoed everyone and wished them a safe and happy Christmas and New Year. I was able to get a bunch of smiles out of them, and if that’s not the greatest gift I’ve ever received, I don’t know what is. Really.

Let me take a moment right here to repeat something I say all the time: In my whole life, whenever I’ve volunteered for anything — anything ! — I’ve always gotten much more out of it than I’ve put into it. That is just the God’s honest truth.

At another point in the ride, we stopped into the dispatcher room at the police station. In case you don’t know, this is where your call goes when you dial 9-1-1. We in GFD use them heavily, but they are also key for police and EMS.

So we decided to drop in and give them thanks for another great year of service. When you’re in there, it looks like the command center for a spacecraft. So much technology.

There were two lovely female dispatchers working at the time. We thanked them but we could only stay for a minute, as some pretty serious police calls were coming in while we were there.

It is just incredible to me that these dispatchers choose this kind of work and handle it so, so well. I’m impressed by their confidence, their capability, but mostly by their performance under pressure.

I’ve dealt with them at 3 a.m. many times on a fire call and they don’t miss a thing. We here in Guilderland are very well served by these dedicated professionals, without doubt.

During the ride, we stopped for kids and adults, of course, but we also stopped for dogs. Turns out one of our officers is a “dog whisperer.”

Why do I say that? Because he carried dog treats with him and quickly made friends with each and every dog we saw.

In fact, one dog was not a fan of me, or Santa, or both, as he barked relentlessly at me and only calmed down when our dog whisperer took over. I’m sure glad he was along for the ride! Santa doesn’t like getting barked at or bitten, haha.

After getting on and off the truck at least a hundred times, we finally made it back to the station, where a soup-tasting put on by the auxiliary awaited us. It was the perfect way to cap off what was a very satisfying yet tiring effort.

Thanks to the commissioners and officers of the Guilderland Fire Department for keeping the Santa’s Ride tradition going. It was great fun and I can’t wait for next year’s ride.

How about we get a couple of pints of Ben & Jerry’s “Cherry Garcia” and a bottle of “Skinny Girl” Merlot, then just curl up on the couch and watch a Hallmark movie. After a good cry, let’s spend four hours talking about our feelings and emotions. Doesn’t that sound like fun? Not!

How about we turn 65 and then go on Medicare, making what used to be simple and easy health-care coverage become something with endless paperwork, mailings, notices, deadlines, rules, complexity, and all this when we’re getting older and by any sane accounting it should become simpler, not more complex. Is this the way to run health care in the greatest country in the world? Not!

How about we lease the biggest and baddest off-road SUV, with state-of-the-art navigation, safety aids, and ground clearance so high we could picnic under there, but then never drive it anywhere except the mall because if we actually do take it off-road we might scratch it and then have trouble when the lease is over. Not!

How about the fuddie-duddies who delight in telling us how our occasional cigar, libation, or even diet soda are so bad for us when all we are trying to do is relax a little and not go crazy from all the stress with politics, aging, anti-human phone menu systems, and graffiti (or rather vandalism treated as art). Not!

How about we don’t take the trouble to register and vote, yet complain about everything all the time anyway. Complaining without voting? Not!

How about adding more and more “infotainment” options to cars and trucks, and then wonder why they veer all over the road as people do so much more than just drive. More doodads and gadgets on the dashboard? Not!

How about some new cars coming without an oil pan drain plug. The car will “let” you know when it needs an oil change, performed by the dealer with special equipment. Not being able to do your own oil changes if you so choose? Are you kidding me? Not!

How about overflowing hotels filled with migrants, paid for by our tax dollars, who sit around waiting for who knows what, while everywhere you go you see “Help Wanted” signs in all kinds of businesses. Paying for a potential workforce to sit around while stores can’t get help they so desperately need? Not!

How about resisting the urge to buy everything online so that local stores can succeed and pay taxes, but then find they don’t have what you want and, when they do have it, there is only one register open. Local stores not stepping up their game in response to the online shopping juggernaut? Not!

How about people still not getting opera, despite it being a timeless, multi-dimensional feast for the senses. It really is. Still thinking opera is boring, stodgy, and old? Not!

How about endlessly discussing what movies are on Netflix and what new show is on what new streaming app, but completely ignoring the wealth of diversity that is available at the local library? Carping about movies and TV shows while the entire world, literally, awaits you at the library? Not!

How about seven-dollar mocha hoka double latte espresso shot venti whatever coffees still being a thing? Paying seven dollars for coffee when you can get it at any convenience store for less than two bucks? Not!

How about that toothache coming in late Friday night, forcing you to spend the weekend in grueling pain. Can’t a toothache come during normal business hours for once? Ouch. Having to search for emergency dental care? Not!

How about living in the greatest age of human connectivity, when any person or any idea is just a mouse click or button press away, while loneliness and social isolation are at an all time high? Being isolated by choice or by circumstances and missing the joy of human companionship? Not!

How about the sheer drudgery of just maintaining a house: laundry (endless), dusting, paying bills, landscaping, fixing stuff, cooking, cleaning, mopping, and on and on. Where are the house-cleaning robots like in “The Jetsons” cartoon from my youth? We don’t have domestic robots yet? Not!

How about trying to schedule something with a medical professional and being told the next appointment is not in days or even weeks but months? Better not die in the meantime! Waiting so long for medical appointments? Not!

How about the old days, when Dad bought a new TV, connected the rabbit-ear antennas (two screws) and it just worked. Same with the toaster, vacuum cleaner, fridge, and everything else. Now everything has to be “installed” or “setup” and you better have an account and know your login and your wifi password, yada yada yada. They don’t even include printed manuals anymore! Having to be a tech wiz whether you like it or not? Not!

How about not even being close to having high-speed rail, like France and Japan have? This is the most fuel efficient way to move people over great distances. We’re overdue. Still having to wait for high-speed rail? Not!

How about taking all those Sunday dinners with parents, aunts, uncles, and cousins for granted and now wishing you could do it just one more time? I try not to dwell on my dear departed family members, but it’s hard not to sometimes, especially around the holidays. Getting sad and down because the circle of life never stops? Not!

How about a rare perfect summer day, with low humidity and clear skies where are all the kids are playing stick-ball, riding bikes, or just horsing around on the lawn? What’s that you say, they’re all in their rooms on their phones? Being a kid and not taking advantage of perfect summer weather? Not!

How about this column being entirely too negative, so let’s end on a joke: What did one hat say to the other? You stay here, I’ll go on ahead! Thinking I’m a comedian? Not!

Almost 100 years ago, Dr. Ralph C. Smedley had the idea of forming a club to train young boys and men in public speaking, social skills, and leadership.

Starting with a club at a YMCA in California, that initial idea turned into Toastmasters International, a program where men and women can learn to speak and listen better as well as develop leadership and confidence, with chapters and members all over the world.

In October TI celebrates its 100-year anniversary. They must be doing something right to have lasted so long and still be going strong.

I first became aware of TI about 30 years ago while walking around the office campus where I worked. There I saw a sign for an upcoming meeting.

All I knew about Toastmasters back then was that the “toast” referred to something the best man does at a wedding, not something you eat for breakfast. I attended that meeting and was immediately asked to participate in a debate.

I can’t remember what the topic was — I think it was gun rights — but I remember winning the debate and getting hooked. What fun, to be with courteous, thinking people where we could all learn, share, and grow with each other.

Over the next several months, I attended many other meetings of that TI club. A couple of speeches I heard really stood out.

One woman did a presentation complete with stunning pictures of her mountain-climbing in the Swiss Alps. Another lady did a presentation on curling, an Olympic sport, which is like bocce but with big “stones” (like giant hockey pucks) instead of balls and on ice instead of grass. She said curling was what got her through the long, cold winters.

Unfortunately, my wife and I had three small kids at the time. All the running around with music lessons, sports, and other after-school activities meant I couldn’t keep up with it. I hated dropping out but it just wasn’t possible to fit it in at that time.

Still, I never forgot how much I enjoyed my initial foray into the wonderful world of Toastmasters — so positive, uplifting, and motivating.

Then about six years ago I heard of a Toastmasters club starting in an agency I’m a member of, so I went to the kickoff meeting. Because my memories of that first TI club were so positive, I volunteered to be president of the new club.

Just like that, I was able to get the Toastmasters magic going again. Don’t think I use the word “magic” lightly here; the entire TI program is indeed magic in the transformation it can make when an enthusiastic participant commits to it.

It worked with me and I’ve seen it work in others time and time again. Dr. Smedley’s 100-year old idea was so sound it still resonates today. Amazing.

So what is Toastmasters, anyway? It’s a program where you practice getting better at public speaking, of course, but it’s also so much more.

It helps you develop listening skills (God gave you two ears and only one mouth for a reason, haha); promotes mentoring; facilitates networking; and, above all else, improves one’s overall social skills, confidence, and leadership.

Truly, had I known about TI when I first entered the workforce, I would have become a much better leader and achieved much more success. That is a fact.

I’ve been writing this column for over 20 years. The way it works is I think of a topic, and then try hard to come up with an opening sentence. Once I get the first sentence, the next thousand words just flow out.

The point is, I’m very confident in using the written word to communicate. In fact, it’s my preferred method of communication.

Speaking in public does not come easy or naturally to me. Yet, from working with TI all these years, something that was dreaded — speaking publicly in front of others — has become something I actually enjoy doing (though I still have to work hard to keep improving). Toastmasters really does work.

Toastmasters’ meetings follow a scripted format, which is both comforting and efficient. At a typical meeting, there will be several speeches, followed by evaluations of those speeches.

There is also a free-flowing “Table Topics” exercise, where anyone is welcome to give a one- to two-minute talk on a random topic that the Table Topics Master gets to pick out. The speeches and table-topics talks are always great, because people try so hard to do them well.

Occasionally, the speeches will bring you to tears, like the one I heard recently from a lady who managed to get out of the second tower just after the first tower was hit during the 9/11 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center. I literally held my breath as she described her experience.

It was all I could do to keep from crying. That’s how truly powerful some heartfelt speeches from our fellow Toastmasters members — our friends and neighbors — can be.

At a Toastmasters’ meeting, newcomers are always greeted and made to feel welcome. TI is a no judgment zone: We welcome everyone.

The only thing we insist on is that you want to improve yourself as a speaker, listener, leader, and mentor. Those are our goals, and we want to help you achieve them as well.

Here is the official TI Mission statement: “We empower individuals to become more effective communicators and leaders.” The core values at TI are beautiful in their simplicity and power: Integrity, Respect, Service, and Excellence. Just fantastic.

One thing that is unique to Toastmasters is the “ah counter.” This is where we count your use of filler words when speaking, words or phrases like “ah,” “um,” “so,” and “you know.”

We don’t do this to embarrass you; on the contrary, many speakers, including myself, use these words without ever realizing we’re doing it. The hope is that by tracking the use of filler words, one can become aware of it and work to reduce it.

Still, I’ve heard more than one person say they felt self-conscious with this aspect of Toastmasters (“I don’t want someone counting my ums!”). The best is when you improve your speaking so much that you’re not using these words anymore. That’s really huge, and totally doable.

I’ve met some truly great folks in Toastmasters. I’ve seen people who were holding onto the lectern for dear life during their first speech because they were so nervous and now have become so confident and eloquent speaking in front of others that it can only be described as a miracle.

Every time I do a speech, I’m just amazed at how far I’ve come as well. I still need to work on those listening skills, however, as my long-suffering wife will attest to. That’s one big reason I stay involved with Toastmasters. There is always room to improve, plus it’s just plain fun!

I’m going to be starting a Guilderland Toastmasters club soon. We’ll meet at the library. The library has beautiful meeting rooms complete with audio/video support so we can do hybrid in-person/zoom meetings.

If you want to improve your public speaking, listening, and leadership skills or, more importantly, if you just want to have fun, please consider joining. We’d love to have a group of about 20 folks to start out with.

Please contact me and let me know your preferred meeting day and time for a monthly meeting; call me or contact me through the library. For more information on TI, see There’s a lot of information there, so be sure to have a full cup of coffee ready to go.

My hometown of Guilderland has beautiful parks, thriving businesses, lovely neighborhoods, and a vibrant community, but one thing it doesn’t have is a local Toastmasters club. Let’s change that now!

Enterprise file photo — Michael Koff 

Ghost bike: A bicycle painted entirely white was installed on Washington Avenue Extension, near the main entrance to Crossgates Commons, where bicyclist Roger Sawyer, 31, of Guilderland died in October 2017 after being struck by an SUV.  

Many years ago, an energetic young lady — a budding entrepreneur with a growing business — was killed while riding her bicycle early one morning by the University at Albany uptown campus on Western Avenue.

The story resonated locally for a long time. A bright flame extinguished at such a young age. I used to drive right by the corner where it happened every day during my commute to and from work.

Not long after the accident, a white bicycle appeared on the corner where the accident occurred. It was chained to a road sign, and adorned with flowers and floral garlands.

Clearly someone wanted to memorialize this lady’s life, in a very public way. I’ve since learned that bicycles installed at accident scenes are called ghost bikes. I’m not sure I like the idea.

I know the folks who install these memorials are suffering from the intense grief caused by the loss of a loved one. That’s understandable.

But let’s look at it from another perspective. Once a ghost bike gets installed, everyone who walks, rides, or drives past it gets reminded of a horrible tragedy.

In my case, I had to think about that girl’s death twice a day for months if not years. Is that mentally healthy for those of us forced to look at it? How can it be?

OK, Frank, stop being such a whiner. Find another way to get to work. For me that would have been Washington Avenue Extension, right past Walmart and Home Depot.

So I switched to that route, even though I would have preferred staying on Western Avenue. Not long after, another bicyclist was killed right at the entrance to those stores. Can you guess what happened next?

Another ghost bike appeared there, right where I got to see it, again, twice a day. I like being reminded of lots of things: my beautiful wife, my wonderful kids and grandkids, terrific motorcycle rides, etc. One thing I don’t like being reminded of is horrible traffic accidents.

Inevitably, whoever installs the ghost bike, over time, either loses interest in maintaining it or can’t keep up with the maintenance for some reason. What maintenance you ask? Keeping up the flowers and decorations, for one.

But the bicycle tires soon go flat, and then the steel parts start to rust. Before you know it, the bicycle looks like crap. Then, one day, it’s gone. Is that the way to properly memorialize someone? By letting their memorial get all rotted out until it has to be removed because it’s such an eyesore?

My cousin lives on a busy corner in Maspeth, Queens. It’s a very tight and congested neighborhood, but all the houses are well maintained.

One time, there was a car accident right on the corner in front of her house. People died.

Not long after, the victims’ families started having Saturday night prayer services right on the corner. They’d pray, sing, and leave candles and flowers. This went on for, if you can believe it, years, before it finally stopped.

Can you imagine having a weekly memorial service right in front of your living room window for such a long time? What are people thinking?

We all grieve differently. I think about my deceased parents every single day, yet I don’t run around in a funk. I know I don’t visit the cemetery as often as I should. But they are in my mind constantly.

I’ll bet, if you could ask them, they would say to go ahead and keep on living, trying to do good things and be a responsible husband, parent, and neighbor. To try to be happy. And to remember them.

The last thing they would want is some kind of public shrine. They would be livid if I did something like that.

My father was a veteran, so both my parents are buried in the Gerald Solomon National Cemetery in Saratoga. When you go there, you can’t help but feel awed and reverent for how our brave men and women who have served our country are memorialized.

The place is beautiful, serene, and well maintained. This is how you remember people: in a proper cemetery, where they can rest in peace. Not with a rusting bicycle or makeshift shrine at an accident scene.

Some people like to take their dear departed’s ashes and spread them in a meaningful place. Oceans and mountains seem to be very popular for this kind of remembrance.

I’ve always said I want to be cremated, and then have my ashes put in the gas tank of my motorcycle while one of my buddies rides my bike up scenic Route 30 in the Adirondacks. But with my luck, I’d just clog the fuel filter and cause a breakdown, haha.

I’m seeing accident shrines more and more these days. On the highways, on the back roads, etc. Sometimes it’s flowers, or it may be a sign, or something else from the deceased person’s life.

I hope this trend doesn’t go much further. Churches and cemeteries are great places to mourn. Out on a blind curve in the middle of nowhere? Not so much.

I don’t like seeing more and more ghost bikes and roadside shrines in my travels. I like it better when we grieve in appropriate places, or just in our minds.

Bicycling is a great way to get and stay in shape. It’s so much fun, and it can even be a way to go green and commute. But bicycling is very, very dangerous.

One of my best friends was Mark Fiato, who owned Taco Pronto on Western Avenue. He was killed in the prime of his life on a bicycle. I think about him and the three beautiful daughters he left behind all the time.

How come something so good for us and the environment has to be so dangerous? I’d love to see dedicated bicycle lanes all over the place. One thing we can all do is refuse to text, watch movies, or drink while driving. The stakes are too high to do anything less.

My wife is big into grief. What I mean is she has seen a lot of her friends, as well as her mother, pass away. She genuinely mourns deeply for these folks.

Fortunately, she found a great group to help her, called Grief Share, which can be found at I’ve talked to her friends who participate in it, and they all love it.

One widow told me it was like finally finding the right way to remember her dear departed husband. Again, I don’t grieve like most people — I choose to move on with fond memories — but if you are suffering from the loss of a loved one, give Grief Share a try. I have heard nothing but good things about it.

Ghost bikes and roadside shrines are well intentioned, but there are better ways of remembering our loved ones. How about donating that bicycle to a needy kid instead? I’m sure your dear departed loved one would be very happy if you did something that nice in his or her memory.

One time, I got stuck in a doctor’s office with a paucity of reading materials while I endured the inevitable wait to be seen. So I picked up a bridal magazine. Beggars can’t be choosy, haha.

The well-worn magazine was as thick as a catalog. Upon scanning this beast, I realized that everything was about The Dress. It was endless advertisements for dresses, then articles about dresses, then more articles on what goes well with dresses.

Considering all the other topics a potential bride should care about — like marrying the right person — I found this emphasis on only one aspect of marriage to be a little questionable at best and quite distracting at worst. There is much more to getting married than choosing the right dress, obviously.

The reason I bring this up is because, since I started learning to play guitar a few years ago, I look at a lot of guitar magazines. If someone who knew nothing about guitars picked up a guitar magazine, they would think it’s all about The Guitar.

Just like in bridal magazines with The Dress, in guitar magazines it’s pages and pages (though not nearly as many as bridal magazines) of ads for guitars, then articles about guitars, and then articles and ads of what goes well with guitars.

It’s like, if you see a picture of Lindsay Buckingham holding a certain guitar, they want you to think if you buy it you’ll sound like him on one of his many Fleetwood Mac hits. Trust me, it doesn't work that way.

I can’t speak for what brides need besides The Dress, but, after playing guitar now for several years, I can speak for what anyone interested in playing guitar really needs in order to do well on this most versatile and fun instrument.

If you’re retired like me and have a little extra time on your hands, here are 10 things you need to get in order to start playing guitar (wish I’d had this list when I started):

—1. A guitar.

You can get a decent acoustic guitar for around $200. Go to a music store, try out a bunch, and get the one that feels good in your hands. We’re all different sizes and shapes, so take time to find one that fits you.

Sit on a stool or a chair with no arms, thighs parallel to the ground, and put the guitar on your lap. Throw your arm over it and hug it to your chest. It should just feel right.

If it doesn’t, try another one. If you’d like to try an electric guitar, go ahead, but realize then you also need an amplifier and cable. My advice for a beginner would be to start with a simple acoustic guitar, just because you don’t have to worry about electronics when you’re first starting.

Also, even new guitars can benefit from a “setup.” This usually involves lighter strings and some critical adjustments that can make even a low price point guitar sound and, more importantly, feel like a much more expensive one;

— 2. A tuner.

I can show you in two minutes how to tune a guitar to itself, but at some point you’re going to be playing with others, so you need to learn how to properly tune a guitar. You can get a clip-on guitar tuner for $15, or you can use an app on your phone.

No matter how you do it, learning to tune your guitar is essential. Guitars are made of wood, which expands and contracts depending on humidity, so tuning correctly and frequently is a fact of life if you want to play guitar;

— 3. A strap.

Sit with your guitar on a chair with no arms or a stool, thighs parallel to the floor. Once you are comfortable, attach a strap to your guitar, such that when you stand up, the guitar is in the exact same position on your body as when you are sitting down. Doing this will make the transition from playing while sitting to playing while standing much, much easier.

Newer guitar straps have a self-locking feature. If your strap doesn’t, spend a couple of bucks on some strap locks. Having a guitar fall out of your hands while playing is never fun;

— 4. A music stand.

What do these five famous musicians have in common: Eric Clapton, The Beatles, Taylor Swift, Elvis Presley, and Jimmy Page? Despite being master song writers, none of them — not one — knows how to read or write music. They have someone else transcribe it for them.

Don’t be like them. I mean it. If you know the first seven letters of the alphabet and you can count to four, you can learn to read and write music. So get a good music stand and use it when you practice from books, sheet music, or “guitar tab.” You will never regret learning even just the basics of reading and writing music;

— 5. A metronome.

Music is all about rhythm. Without rhythm, there is no music. A metronome lets you develop your sense of rhythm such that you can play with others and keep “the beat.”

Say you’re working on a new chord change or a new piece of music. You set the metronome to something slow, like 40 BPM (Beats Per Minute). The metronome will then emit a beep 40 times per minute, and you can then count and play one-two-three or one-two-three-four or whatever the music calls for.

Once you get that, increase the BPM little by little until you can play it at the speed it calls for or that you want. If you talk to any real musician, they will tell you that using a metronome consistently is key to learning to keep to the beat and play with others. You can find them for around 20 bucks or as an app on your phone;

— 6. A lesson book.

Yes you can bounce around YouTube and find everyone and their sister giving guitar lessons, but a good beginning guitar lesson book is something you can really use well to get better and better at playing guitar.

I’d recommend a group lesson first, like those offered in adult continuing-education courses, and then a good book to work with as you keep practicing. In fact, if you take private lessons, the teacher will often recommend a good book to work with.

Here’s a tip: Whatever book you get, take it to an office-supply store and spend a few bucks to have a spiral binding put in. This will allow the book to lie flat on your music stand, which is a huge help;

— 7. A guitar case.

Sooner or later, you’re going to want to take your guitar on the road. Don’t even think about just throwing it in the back seat or the trunk. Get a good case so it’s protected when you travel.

They come in all price ranges and materials. Shop around and get a good one. Your guitar will thank you very much;

— 8. A guitar stand.

Get a guitar stand to keep your guitar safely stored while not in use. Put it in a place in your house where you’ll see it every day. The more you see it, the more likely you are to pick it up and start practicing or playing.

Big tip: Try to touch the guitar for at least five minutes every day. You will not believe how much consistency helps with learning to play;

— 9. Fingernail maintenance.

If you want to play guitar, accept the fact that you now have fingernail maintenance to worry about. The fingernails on your fretting hand need to be kept short. This allows you to use just the tips of your fingers to fret the notes, which is key to getting a clean, buzz-free sound.

On your picking hand, you want to grow out your nails so you can use them to pick the strings. “Fingerpicking” an acoustic guitar is one of the great joys in life. The price for that joy is near constant fingernail trimming, filing, and cleaning. Artists do have to suffer for their art, haha; and

— 10. Picks.

A pick, or plectrum, is a little piece of plastic shaped like a slice of pie that you use to pick the strings. They come in all kinds of materials and various thicknesses. How can a beginner possibly choose the right one? Get an assortment, they don’t cost much, and find one that is not too soft, not too hard, and feels good to you.

Fun fact: The great Billy Gibbons of ZZ Top uses a good old American quarter to play his many hits. Just find a pick that works for you.

These 10 things are what you need if you want to learn to play the guitar. There is of course one more thing you need — lots of practice — and we’ll talk about that some other time.

If you are interested in learning to play guitar, consider the Guilderland Guitar Group. We meet on the first Wednesday of the month at the Guilderland Public Library in one of the community rooms. There is a lot of competition for these rooms, so the time unfortunately can vary, but we try for 7 p.m. most months. All are welcome, it’s a lot of fun, so stop by, and get your groove on.

— Photo from Frank L. Palmeri

Frank L. Palmeri is learning to put on his firefighting gear in less than two minutes.

Imagine for a moment that you are a man getting ready to attend a wedding. You hop out of the shower and quickly run a comb through your hair (sorry ladies; it really is that easy for us). Then you begin getting dressed:

— Put on underwear, undershirt, and socks;

— Put on dress shirt;

— Put on pants, tuck shirt in;

— Put on belt;

— Put on tie;

— Put on jacket and maybe a pocket square to match the tie;

— Put wallet, keys, comb, phone, and lucky rabbit’s foot in pockets; and

— Put on shoes.

Pretty straightforward, right? Now imagine you had to do all that in two minutes or less. Think you could do it?

The reason I ask is because I’m doing something very similar in my volunteer firefighter training. It’s called “donning and doffing,” and it is a huge skill that all firefighters need to master. Let’s talk about donning first.

At the firehouse, each firefighter has a locker or cubby where all their “turnout gear” sits waiting for the next call-out. This is the fire-safety clothing and other equipment that we use when responding to a call.

The idea with donning, if you make it all the way to Class A interior firefighter, is to put it all on and be “breathing air” — that is, breathing from a backpack mounted compressed air tank known as SCBA (Self Contained Breathing Apparatus) — in two minutes or less.

I’m currently training to be a Class B exterior firefighter, but I’m aspiring to Class A, so I have practiced donning all the gear many times at this point. My best time was 2 minutes and 25 seconds, so I have some work to do.

Why is there such an emphasis on getting fully dressed in such a short time? Well, a fire can double in size every 30 seconds. Truly, when talking about fighting fires, every second counts. Donning all the gear rapidly and efficiently can be a matter of life and death.



When it comes to donning, each firefighter has little tricks and techniques that help him or her beat the two-minute deadline. I’m so new at this that I’m still finding my way. But here is the procedure I use.

This assumes you are standing in your street clothes, with all your turnout gear laying on the floor in front of you:

— Remove your shoes (slip-on, slip-off shoes are the way to go);

— Put on hood (looks like a ski mask that also covers the neck);

— Step into firefighting boots;

— Pull up bunker pants (they were stored around the boots);

— Fasten waist closures;

— Pull up and fasten suspenders;

— Put on jacket (normal way or overhead flip);

— Secure jacket front up to neck;

— Secure jacket neck protector;

— Turn on the SCBA pack air supply valve;

— Place arms in pack straps, throw pack over your head, secure it on shoulders;

— Jump up in the air while at the same time tugging shoulder straps down to secure backpack high up;

— Tighten pack waist belt;

— Put on face mask and tighten the straps to make an airtight seal;

— Tug hood over face mask on top of head;

— Put on helmet, tighten straps;

— Put on gloves; and

— Install MMR (Mask-Mounted Regulator) from pack onto face mask and rotate ninety degrees.

If you did all of that correctly — hopefully in two minutes or less — you are now breathing air from the tank mounted on your back, and you are ready to go inside burning buildings or attend other events like car fires where toxic gasses are being produced.

Depending on how fit you are and how much air you consume, you have anywhere from 20 to 40 minutes of breathable air to work with.

When you’re on air and running low, the pack has several ways to warn you and your fellow firefighters, from flashing lights to ear piercing alarms. It is not uncommon for a firefighter with his air running low to have his dwindling air tank replaced with a full one by another firefighter so he or she can continue the job.

Also, if one firefighter is running low on air, he or she can piggyback air from another firefighter with a hose and coupling that is included with the pack. That’s a great feature that can potentially save a fellow firefighter’s life.

Each pack also has a PASS (Personal Alert Safety System) alarm. Just hit the red button and a shrieking alarm sound lets others know you need help. What a great feature that is.

There are some guys in Guilderland who have been in volunteer firefighting since they were teenagers. A couple of them told me, when they were young, they could do the donning in less than one minute. Imagine that!

I don’t have the advantage of youth anymore, but there is this mantra from none other than the United States Navy Seals: “Slow is smooth, and smooth is fast.” My hope is that a lot of practice will get me to smooth, which will then get me, hopefully, to fast. We shall see.



Now let’s talk about “doffing.” This is taking all the clothing and equipment off, but there’s a lot more to it than that.

If you were at a fire or other event where toxic gasses were produced, virtually all of your gear needs to be washed and dried. Thankfully, the firehouse has a washer and dryer just for this purpose.

Once your gear is cleaned, dried, and checked out, the idea is to replace it in your stall or cubby such that it is ready to go again at a moment’s notice: pants lowered around boots, helmet and mask ready to go, gloves and hood within easy reach, etc.

The more orderly you are, the more efficient you can be. I just hope no one from the firehouse comes to my house and sees my messy closet, haha.

Currently there are several of us here in Guilderland training at the same time. The training is at a different location, so when we go we have to take packs off a designated apparatus (truck).

This is not really a problem — the remaining trucks have plenty of packs in case a call-out should occur — but in a perfect world there would be training packs available, so in-service packs wouldn’t have to be disturbed.

Unfortunately, everything in firefighting is large, heavy, and expensive. I doubt there are many volunteer fire companies who have the luxury of providing duplicate equipment just for training purposes.

You might be thinking at this point, these packs must be replaced periodically for safety reasons, so why not just save the old, worn-out packs for training? Well, since air packs are critical for the safety of working firemen and firewomen, it would never be appropriate to train with worn-out equipment.

There is just too much at stake. This business is hard enough as it is without worrying about using equipment that is past its service life.


The right thing to do

If you have any interest in becoming a volunteer firefighter, you should go down to your local firehouse and talk to the fine people there. You may think you’re too old or don’t have enough skill, experience, or time.

Trust me, I’m old and I had zero experience in this area. If I can do it, so can you.

Volunteer firefighting companies also have auxiliaries, open to women and men also, for folks who just want to support the fire company by helping out with meals, supporting us at events, and many other ways. The auxiliary rocks.

Even if you don’t feel like volunteering, be sure to support those chicken barbecues, Sunday morning breakfasts, flower sales, and other fundraisers that volunteer fire companies frequently do. Every little bit helps in firefighter outreach, retention, training and many other ways. Supporting your local volunteer fire company is just the right thing to do.

Last night, I had just crawled into bed after returning from three hours of firefighter training. Shortly thereafter, the pager let me know that power lines were down at one of the local golf courses.

I got out of bed, put on my pants and shirt (backwards, I might add) and shot down to the firehouse. By the time I got there, one truck had already left, and my crew was on the second truck raring to go when we were notified by radio that the scene had been secured, the utility company was on their way, and we could stand down.

When the first truck returned to the station, we washed it and then had an impromptu staff meeting. All of this after 10 p.m. on a weeknight, when many of these unbelievably dedicated men and women had to work the next day.

The fact that there are so many folks, just regular people, who are willing to get out of bed at all hours of the night to help their fellow community members just blows me away. Good on you, my fellow volunteer firefighters.

I sure hope I can learn to do my donning in under two minutes. Wish me luck.

— Photo from Frank L. Palmeri

Knots, from top to bottom, are clove hitch, fireman’s rescue knot, figure eight on a bight, and sheet bend.

I learned about Boy Scouts while growing up by seeing them on TV shows or reading about them in books. Yet, as far as I know, no one in my family was involved in scouting, no one in my neighborhood either, and no one in any school I attended.

We lived on the borderline between Brooklyn and Queens in the East New York area. That’s a lot of territory, so I’m sure there had to be some scouting going on there, but I never saw it.

As an adult, I did scouting for a few years with my son. The good thing about scouting is the quality father-son time that you get. There is also camping, making new friends, and the skills the kids learn.

Not so sure about the Pinewood Derby, though. I’ve seen too many fathers go to such extremes to win that I wonder what the kids even get out of it at this point. Still, scouting in principle is no doubt a great thing for boys and young men to do with their fathers.

The reason I’m thinking about scouting today is it would have been so handy for me now if I’d have done it. That’s because, as a volunteer firefighter in training, I’m now learning all about ropes and knots.

It would have been so wonderful if I’d have had at least some of these skills already. That would have been one less thing to worry about among the quite extensive training that I’m doing.

Ropes and knots are very important in firefighting. Having these skills can save lives. No joke.

Firefighters are expected to be able to use these skills to haul tools all over the place, tie things down properly, and most importantly, potentially drag someone out of a bad situation. That’s how critical rope and knot skills are.

A rope is strongest when it’s totally straight. Any curve or bend in a rope reduces its strength. That’s why firefighters are always looking for the simplest knots that will do the job.

The simpler the knot — the fewer turns and bends in it — makes for a stronger overall rope. Plus, a simpler knot is easier to untie. That is really important in the heat of the moment, no pun intended.

How does one go about learning to tie knots? A lot of people are visual learners. They need to watch something done to see how it works.

If you’re like that, you can go on the internet and see how every knot is made by all kinds of folks. Unfortunately for me, I’m not a visual learner. I can watch somebody tie a knot, but often they do it so fast I just can’t follow it.

I need to have the making of the knot explained to me in clearly defined words. In fact, if someone was able to clearly state how to tie a new knot to me, I’m sure I’d be able to tie it without even having seen what it looks like first. That is just how my brain works.

It’s just like when I ask my harmonica-playing buddies how they did some “rad” technique on the “harp.” They always say, “I don’t know how I do it, I just do it.”

Some guys — farmers, boaters, and firemen, of course — have been working with rope and knots for decades, and it’s just embedded in their muscle memory at this point. That’s great for them, but I still have to learn how to tie these knots efficiently and effectively.

So now I practice guitar-playing and knot-making every day. Good thing I’m retired.

Four knots

Let’s look at the four knots I made in the picture. On the top, attached to the piece of pipe, is the classic clove-hitch knot.

This knot is so versatile, strong, and easy to make that it’s a mainstay in the fire services, and often becomes a part of more complex knots. Once you learn it, you’ll be surprised at how often it comes in handy for tying things down. The clove hitch is a truly great knot.

The second knot from the top is the fireman’s rescue knot. This knot looks like handcuffs. The idea is you can wrap it around someone’s wrists and pull them out of a dangerous area.

That works and it’s something every firefighter is trained to do, but it does put a lot of strain on a person's wrists. From working with computers for 40 years I’m probably pre pre-carpal tunnel in my wrists at this point, so I’m not sure I’d want to be dragged around with this knot.

Fortunately, besides rope, firefighters also carry strong nylon webbing, like the kind used in ratchet straps, which can be wrapped around a person’s torso and under his or her arms. That might be a better way to pull someone out in many cases.

The third knot from the top is a figure eight on a bight. When you are talking about knots, a bight is any big loop. This knot is very easy to tie and untie, strong, and versatile. It can be used to tie things down, haul things up, etc. Another all-around great knot.

The bottom knot in the picture is a sheet bend. A bend is any knot that unites two ropes. This knot is used to tie ropes or cords of different diameters, like a clothesline and a shoelace, together to make a longer one. Very handy.

Teach knots to kids

These are only some of the knots I’m expected to know how to make. Note that it’s one thing to make these knots in the comfort of your living room while drinking a cup of coffee.

The real challenge is to do them in the cold and dark, while wearing thick fireproof gloves, in the heat of the moment. That is why fire-service professionals have to get to the point where rope and knot skills are just muscle memory. Knowing these skills down pat is that important when you’re talking about saving people’s lives.

When you finish making any knot, you should “dress” the knot. This involves making sure all the elements of the knot are in their proper place, all the slack is removed, and the knot is positioned properly.

Then you apply a little pressure to the knot to make sure it’s stable before you ask it to take the full load. If you think at this point that there is a lot to learn about working with ropes and knots, you would be correct.

I didn’t have the good fortune of being involved in scouting at an early age, so I’m having to learn rope and knot skills for the first time now.

This got me thinking: Why aren’t these kinds of valuable life skills taught to kids in grade school as a matter of course?

Rope and knot skills are really, really handy to have. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve just made a big, nasty mess of a knot to tie something down that was inherently weak — too many turns — and impossible to untie.

How I wish I’d have learned these skills when I was younger. All kids, not just the ones who have the benefit of being in scouting, should be taught these skills, period. There is no reason “knot” to, haha.

I always say that, when I volunteer for anything, I get more out of it than I put into it. Doing volunteer firefighting has opened up the fascinating world of ropes and knots to me in a big way. Fantastic.

Just about my entire family recently went to Florida to get some fun in the sun and hang out with the grandkids. This means I had to “batch it” for two whole weeks.

I couldn’t join everyone at the big beach rental house because I’m heavily involved in volunteer firefighter training these days. I did go last year, and I’ll probably go next year, but for now, duty calls.

So, bachelor life for me for two whole weeks. What a change after 38 years of marriage.

I actually have a lot of things to keep me busy all year round, but especially in the winter. So with my wife gone I had a lot of time for practicing guitar, ordering motorcycle parts, and fixing things around the house.

I was able to read several books which is always good, and even try out a few recipes. A good bachelor tip: Even when cooking for one, cook the entire recipe. Then you have leftovers for some other nights. Cook, make a mess, clean, and eat. Then for the other nights just eat. Gotta love that.

What about laundry while my better half was gone? Good question.

Rather than try and figure out the whole process, I just stretched out the time I would wear my pants, T-shirts, etc. By changing less often, I was able to go the entire two weeks without doing laundry.

“But Frank,” you ask, “you did at least wash the sheets on the bed, didn’t you?”

No, I did not. Me and the bedbugs got along perfectly fine the entire time, thank you very much.

I did vacuum and mop the floor, so it’s not like I’m a total slouch. I figure, I do the cars and motorcycles, the house repair, and the outside work. She gets the bills and the laundry. We share the cooking. Works for me.

So everything was going fine during my two-week-long bachelor sojourn when, very faintly, I started to hear some crying. I stopped in my tracks to really listen, and sure enough, it was the sound of someone crying.

Right away, I got my phone out to see if somehow I had some kind of inane cat video playing. But that wasn’t it. So then I walked around the house to try and find out where the crying was coming from.

Then I found it: The crying sound was coming from the garage. I went in, and there was my wife’s Honda Insight, having a total meltdown:

“Waagh, waagh, waagh.”

“What’s wrong?”

“I miss Charlotte! Boohoohoo!”

“Hey, I miss her too, but suck it up. She’ll be back soon.”

I really miss her! Sobsobsob.”

“Look, I miss having the three of us in bed at night, but she has to be allowed to vacation with the grandkids.”

“What do you mean, three of you in bed? Is something going on that I don’t know about?”

“No, just that I miss having the three of us in bed at night: Charlotte, me, and my CPAP hose. Now it’s just me and my hose, all alone, and, if that sounds pretty bad, let me assure you it’s even worse.”

“Yeah, that does sound pathetic.”

“Still, you don’t see me crying and coming all undone like you.”

“But I miss how she drives me.”

“Oh yeah? I kind of got the feeling that she spends so much time running all over creation doing errands and whatnot that you were getting sick of her.”

“Not at all. For one thing, she drives very carefully. In fact, did you know she was Driver of the Year in high school?”

“Yes, I’ve been told that numerous times. Mostly after I cut someone off or tailgate, haha.”

“So you already know how she drives. She never speeds, she never tailgates, and she always has either the classical station or the Christian station on the radio. Oh, how I miss her! BooHooHoo, sobsobsob!”

“Look, I feel your pain. How about I take you out for a ride today? There’s supposed to be a new Chick-Fil-A in the area. Let’s go there for lunch and see what all the hype’s about.”


“No? What do you mean, no? I’m offering to take you on a nice ride to a nice place for lunch. What’s wrong with that?”

“Do you really want to know?”

“Yes, I really do?”

“Promise you won’t get mad?”

“For Pete’s sake, what could a 2019 Honda Insight possibly say to me to get me mad?”

“OK, then. I don’t want you driving me for three reasons. One, you drive too fast. Two, you play my radio too loud. And three, worst of all, you pass too much gas, and I don’t mean driving by gas stations, either.”

“Ouch. Let’s go through them one by one. Truly, I don’t drive nearly as fast as I used to, but I certainly drive faster than Charlotte, so you’ve got me there. As for the radio, what are you supposed to do when ZZ Top comes on? Rock ’n’ roll, baby! As for the gas thing, all I can say is, when people get older their digestive systems don’t always work the way they used to.”

“You’re telling me! Half the time I’m dying here!”

“Please forgive me. I’m trying a new fiber supplement that I hope will solve this particular problem.”

“Listen, I didn’t mean to upset you. I actually like it when you do my oil changes. Not only do you take the time to warm up my engine so the old oil gets nice and hot and flows out easily, but you always put rubber protection on my CV joint boots so they’ll last longer and keep my delicate joints in great shape. Not even dealerships or quickie lube joints do that during an oil change.”

“Glad you appreciate it. You actually have given Charlotte great service over the years, so it’s an honor to take care of you.”

“I just hope she comes back home soon.”

“You and me both. Now stop crying and let’s go grab some chicken for lunch.”

“You did take that fiber supplement?”


“OK, let’s go.”

Bachelor life for a couple of weeks during the dead of winter while everyone parties in Florida is all right by me. It’s cold, I’m old, but, for at least a little while, I get to be bold. Rock on! 
