Girl Scouts wrapped gifts to raise money for project
Wrappers: Girls in Troop 1308 — Bella Perrotto, Lauren Savage, Catherine Thibault, Clara Hollands, Jane McKillop, Izzy Brusic, and Erin Mash — pause in their gift-wrapping duties to pose for a picture. Behind them is Lauri Mendelson who allowed them to raise funds by wrapping Christmas gifts at The Paper Mill’s Hallmark store in Delaware Plaza.
All smiles: Lauren Savage, at far right, displays a check Girl Scout Troop 1308 presented to Community Caregivers, raised through wrapping gifts. Posing with her around s sign bout the not-for-profit group, are, from left, Izzy Brysic, Clara Hollands, Jana McKillop, Erin Mash, Macey Bryant, Bella Penotto, and Mia Oppy. Catherine Thibault is missing from the picture.
The nine girls of Girl Scout Troop 1308 decided to raise money to help the elderly. They researched not-for-profits in the Capital District who did this and chose Community Caregivers because it was local.
It was near Christmas and they decided they could wrap gifts. Lauri Mendelson at The Paper Mill’s Hallmark store in Delaware Plaza allowed them to set up a gift-wrapping station and donated the gift wrap. The girls put up signs and told their friends and family, and their troop leader put the info on Facebook.
The girls wrapped gifts for four hours. They told me some people brought in whole boxes of gifts to be wrapped. At the end of the day, they had made $120.50. On Monday, Feb. 23, I met the girls and their leaders — Laura Savage, Jennifer Hollands, and Mary McKillop — to accept the check and tell them about Community Caregivers.
After my presentation on what Caregivers does to support the elderly people in our community, we talked some about ways elderly people might need help. The girls thought about elderly neighbors they know and grandparents or great-grandparents and their needs.
Their ideas included helping feed pets, shoveling driveways, vacuuming, doing dishes, folding laundry, making beds, writing letters, and making cards to send happy thoughts. They assured me they could do all these things.
Caregivers, however, does not have a program for kids unless they work with their parents and then their parents would have to become volunteers. We left it that I’d talk with the staff to identify clients for whom the troop could write letters and make cards. I’ll let you know what the follow-up is.
Caregivers could speak to your organization about our services and volunteer opportunities. Call us at 456-2898 for more information.
The last orientation for March is Monday, March 2, at 6 p.m. at our offices at 2021 Western Ave. Calling ahead is advised so we have materials for you.
The Memory Loss Support group meets next on Thursday, March 18, at 1 p.m. at Christ the King Church on Sumpter Avenue in Guilderland.