Invest in local news

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Dear readers,

Several months have passed since we printed pictures of Guilderland’s high-school musical on our front page, the day the musical was canceled and our weekly newspaper turned into a daily news website.

You have been paying close attention to coronavirus, too, and have faced a similar upending of your normal life. People who suddenly lost their jobs or shut their businesses have been waiting for government assistance. We know — we’ve written about the closures and cancellations, needs for shared goods or services, and sobering updates from the Albany County Department of Health. 

We have looked at ways the virus and the resulting shut-downs have affected our schools, our local governments, our hospitals, our health-care workers, our businesses — even our churches and funeral homes. We continue to feature news from local libraries, senior groups, clubs, and organizations.

While we’re used to playing the role of observer, we’re not used to examining how the news affects us.

Like news organizations everywhere, we have two major sources of income — our readers and our advertisers. And, as with newspapers around the world, advertisers are spending less and elsewhere. 

In the time of coronavirus, we believe our mission is more important than ever. And so we are asking readers who value our coverage to contribute. If you’ve ever thought of becoming a subscriber to The Enterprise, now is the time to do it.

If you’re a subscriber, consider sending a gift subscription using the form above.

If you can’t afford to contribute, you can lend us your words. Our opinion pages are like a feedback loop for our newsroom and the local community. Fill out our form or mail a letter to Post Office Box 654, Altamont, New York 12009.

One subscriber, John Dearstyne of New Scotland, wrote us, saying, “Your virus updates are excellent! Straightforward: This cuts through the county, state, federal website overload. This covers the virus for small towns in the readership area that do not have the resources to report on their websites.”

In the time of coronavirus, we need to be informed and we need to stay connected as a community. Your subscription to The Enterprise is an investment in our local area and will help us work together.


Melissa Hale-Spencer, Marcello Iaia​, Gary Spencer


The Altamont Enterprise & Albany County Post