After years, Creekside approved, with 16 lots
NEW SCOTLAND — The planning board here on Tuesday gave its final approval to the Creekside housing development in the hamlet of New Scotland.
Creekside plans 16 lots off Miller Road, which is off New Scotland South Road, and four additional neighboring water and sewer taps. The project, by owner and engineer Bruce Boswell, came before the town in the fall of 2009.
In November, Boswell and the planning board previously disagreed about the width of Miller Road that Creekside had agreed to upgrade.
“You’re only widening the part that is on town property,” said board member Robert Stapf at the meeting Tuesday. “The town has agreed to that.”
“It’s not a gravel road,” said planning board member Jo Ann Davies.
“It’s all being paved,” agreed Boswell engineer Dominick Arico. Arico said that the project had received final approval from the Army Corps of Engineers, also.
Boswell is proposing to run 810 feet of pipe from the Heldervale water district to the housing development.
“They want one inter-municipal agreement for water, and one inter-municipal agreement for sewer” for all properties in that area, said R. Mark Dempf, of Stantec, acting as town engineer, at an earlier meeting.
“We have no inter-municipal agreement with Bethlehem for water. We have a decree from New York State to provide water to Heldervale,” Dempf said of an existing development near Creekside. Dempf said that New Scotland is waiting on Bethlehem.
Calls to Bethlehem Commissioner of Public Works George Kansas were not returned before press time.
Earlier, the board agreed that Creekside will not have a major effect on the environment and voted to make a negative declaration for the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act.
“As the planning board, we’re done with them,” said planning board attorney Jeffery Baker.
The board agreed to waive the cul de sac length requirement of 1,000 feet or less for the extension of Miller Road, and gave final plat approval with conditions including the provision of a wetland delineation; approval from Bethlehem for the extension of sewer and water districts; and the payment of storm water maintenance fees.
“Can you think of anything else?” joked Chairman Charles Voss. “A little blood?”
The board approved the final plat unanimously.
“We’re going to miss you,” Davies said to Arico.