Unraveling the mysteries of Skunk’s Misery
To the Editor:
I read with interest John William’s column in last week’s issue when he mentioned Skunk’s Misery. Knox School District 3 was located in Skunk’s Misery. The sesquicentennial history booklet published in 1972 and largely authored by the late Knox town historian, Frieda Saddlemire, states:
“District No. 3 was located at what is now the corner of Pleasant Valley Road and Taber Road. There were 42 children of school age recorded in the district, and 31 of these attended during the school year with an average daily attendance of 13. The school was valued at about $500 and its library of 50 volumes was valued at $10.
“In 1879, William Chesebro was the schoolmaster, and he was followed by James Adam, Daisy Norton, Clinton Filkins, Ann Hunting, Earl Gallup, Retha Schoonmaker, Arthur Funk, John Bogardus (spring term 1902), Theron Bishop, Edith Sturgess, Edward Mattice, Iola Warner, Loise Pramer, Adelaide Dyer (1910), Minnie Skinner, Ethel Nickerson, Rev. George Hamilton, Nettie Filkins, Margarite Roney, Ernestine Hitsley, Elmer Crounse, Ruth Campbell, Hilda Brunk, Carrie Quay, Lillian Pond, Marion Ryan, Ola Hill, Julia Empie, Mary Owen, and Marion Thompkins.
“In 1918 and again in 1926, Roscoe Schoonmaker was the trustee. In 1920, Arthur Hitsley served as trustee and Stanton Clute as collector. In 1925, Alvy White was trustee and the collector was Raymond Warner.
“Present research has not disclosed when this schoolhouse was moved to Township, but it was subsequently bought by Duane Finch and is now [1972] owned by Leonard Tubbs who has converted it to his home. In 1932 the District was annexed to the Berne-Knox Central School System.”
This article indicates the building was located where Tabor Road meets Pleasant Valley, which is a few miles farther up Pleasant Valley Road than where John located Skunk’s Misery. Does this mean that the whole area was known as Skunk’s Misery?
We also don’t know how it got that name. We would love to hear from anyone who has family lore related to these questions, and from anyone who has knowledge of when, and how, the schoolhouse was moved to Township. Anyone with information he or she is willing to share may call me at (518) 439-7236 or email me at .
Nancy Frueh, vice president
Knox Historical Society