Altamont Enterprise September 8, 1916


Purloiner of John Becker’s Rig Now Behind the Bars — Went to New York and Boston — Location of Rig Yet Unknown.

Thomas Mulligan, alias Frank Kaulet and several other “nom de plumes,” who rented a horse and wagon of John Becker, one of our local liverymen, Saturday morning, Aug. 19, and failed to return the same, is now reposing in the Albany county jail.

Kaulet, as he is best known, claims that his intentions were of the best when he hired the rig, but after taking several drinks “wanderlust” struck him and he drove to New York, where he shipped the rig to a point near Boston. From there he started to drive again and while going along stopped to witness a ball game at Chelsea. He left the horse standing by the curb while he went on the field to get a better view of the game. Now it is a violation of the law to leave a horse standing loose in Chelsea, and when Kaulet saw a policeman leading the horse away, he thought his jig was up. He “beat it” back to Albany, where he was picked up for alleged pocket picking.

Kaulet answered the description of the man who had taken Becker’s horse, and Chief of Police Frank St. John was notified. With Mr. Becker he went to Albany and identified the prisoner as the man wanted and brought him back for arraignment before a justice in the town of Guilderland, with the result as above noted.

Mr. Becker is awaiting word from the authorities at Chelsea, verifying Kaulet’s statement that the horse is there.


—Miss Nina Filkins is the proud possessor of a piano.


—Dane Breene, who had his arm fractured two weeks ago while attempting to crank William Zimmer’s automobile, has returned from the hospital.

—Only by prompt action was the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Secor saved from destruction one night last week, when a lamp exploded in one of the stair rooms. Mrs. Secor coming in from outside, smelled smoke and began to investigate, and by her timely discovery a serious fire was averted.


The gypsies who have been camping in this vicinity, have vacated.


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