I hope we can come together on a solution that works for everyone
To the Editor:
I am writing again mostly to appeal to the public who cares about the expansion of Stewart's into the adjacent neighborhood to please be present at the 7 p.m., Sept. 1 Altamont Village Board public hearing on this issue. I think it is very important for people to be fully aware of what is at stake before the village board votes to deny or approve the change in zoning to allow this expansion.
As the village attorney has stated on more than one occasion, when the village board votes, they are not just voting on the change in zoning law, but they are voting to change the law to expand the commercial district, with the express purpose of allowing a gas station and convenience store to be built there.
The bottom line, and the essence of the issue, is this: Does the village board feel the extension of the commercial zone into the residential zone is justified, as weighed against the long-term impacts on the village? Is the change justified when it is in direct opposition to the vision to preserve and protect our historic and unique, small-town village character, as set by the formally adopted comprehensive plan, and upon which all development decisions should be based?
I, for one, think not — but the board will vote based on the overriding public opinion on this issue.
The board needs to hear from you. The time is now.
Because of the nature of the process, the planning board cannot have a public hearing on Stewart's expansion plans unless the adjacent property has been rezoned — so the village board has to make that change first. Thus, the Sept. 1 village board meeting is critical.
We need to come prepared to justify why we feel the zoning change is not good for the village. We must do our best to interpret Stewart's plans, available at the village hall, and make our case that complying with the existing comprehensive plan and zoning laws is in the best interests of the village.
Over the past weeks, misinterpretations and misunderstandings of information from primary sources has caused some confusion, but none of us who care deeply about this issue wants this discussion to be adversarial or negative.
I believe we all, including the many volunteer board members, are honestly trying to do what is right and best for the village. I sincerely hope we can all come together on a solution that works for everyone.
Kristin Casey