Altamont Enterprise Aug. 25, 1916

Representative of Danish Government

Inspects New York Farm Land.

Mr. E. P. Jacobsen was sent to this country by Denmark to make a survey of agricultural conditions here and to obtain information on our advanced agricultural methods in this country upon which he is to make a report to Denmark so that the government may take steps to improve agriculture there. After a trip through eleven counties he told Commissioner of Agriculture Wilson that he was greatly impressed when he viewed the growing crops and observed the fertility of the soil.

“But that which impressed me most forcibly,” he said to Commissioner Wilson, “was the price at which the fertile land in this section of the state is available.”

Besides reporting on agriculture in this country to his government, he will assist in the placing of Danish immigrants on farms in this country.


The Independent Book Club held a picnic last Thursday in the woods adjoining the home of Mrs. Myndert Crounse. The menu consisted of sandwiches, salads, shmier-kaese, pie, cakes, pickles, fruit and home made ice cream. A feature of the picnic was a Jack Horner pie, from which each one received a souvenir. The members and their guests enjoying the picnic this year were Mrs. Richard Rockwell, Mrs. Hanford Joslin, Mrs. LeRoy Crounse and daughter, Esther, Mrs. Myndert De Freest, Miss Grace De Freest, Mrs. Frank McMillen, Mrs. William Pomeroy and Mrs. William Weisgarver of Reidsville, Mrs. L.. W. Martin, Mrs. F. K. Hallenbeck, daughter Harriet, and Miss Beatrice Seaver of Albany, Mrs. Adam Beeker, Mrs. Myndert Crounse and Miss Elizabeth Wynkoop of New Salem.


Andrew J. Whitbeck.

The death of Andrew J. Whitbeck of New Scotland removes one of the best known and highly esteemed citizens of our midst. All of his life was spent on the farm where he was born, nearly 79 years ago. Having a taste for business and clean politics he spent much of his time in his store and hay and straw business. Twice he represented the town of New Scotland in the board of supervisors, overcoming a majority of 250 against him, thus evidencing his popularity and merit. He was a lifelong Democrat.

Forty-seven years ago he married Amelia Slingerland, of which union one child was born, Jay, who remains to take up his father’s work. The widow, brother Martin, son Jay and wife, and granddaughter Pauline, the grandfather’s pride and pet, have the sympathies of the multitude in their sad and sudden bereavement. The large concourse at his funeral on Tuesday afternoon, and the banks of fresh cut flowers on his casket, attest the community’s appreciation and affection. A most manly man and a superb citizen has left up in his going.



—On account of a possible drouth and scarcity of village water, the Board of Water Commissioners request all persons having sprinkling privileges not to use the water to excess. They also suggest that the use of water for irrigation purposes be discontinued.

—A man by the name of Fred Kohlert, claiming to be a stock buyer, hired a one-horse livery rig of John Becker last Saturday morning for that day only. As he did not return with the rig on time, Mr. Becker became suspicious that something was wrong and set to work looking for his property. The police of the surrounding cities and towns were notified, giving them a full description of the rig, but not a very good one of the man. Up to the present no word has been received here. A liberal reward is offered for the return of the outfit or the capture and conviction of the alleged thief. Kohlert, as he is known, is described as about five feet eight inches in height, weighs about 170 pounds and is about 50 years of age. He has a dark complexion and smooth face. He wore a black slouch hat, light suit and tan shoes.

Open Air Suffrage Meeting in Altamont

The first open air suffrage meeting of the new campaign in Altamont was held last Saturday evening, when Miss Ladson Hall of Philadelphia spoke on Main street to the largest and most enthusiastic audience ever gathered at a suffrage meeting in this village. The speaker was introduced by E. J. Plank of Altamont in a well chosen speech which won for him the enthusiastic gratitude of the local women. The meeting showed a thoroughly serious and intelligent consideration of the whole subject on the part of both speaker and audience, and when the time came for questions after the address it was noticeable that the questions all referred to the immediate political aspects of the subject instead of the formerly familiar type of question such as “Who will take care of the baby if the women vote?” etc.

Republicans to Celebrate.

The Helderberg Republican club will give an old fashioned stone clam bake on the fair grounds on Saturday afternoon, Sept. 30. Prominent speakers will be present to discuss the issues of the coming campaign. The Altamont band will furnish music for the occasion.. Tickets at $1.50 will be placed in the hands of the committee for distribution in a few days.


SEVERSON Will Furnish the
EATS at the FAIR Next Week

Rhode Island Clam Chowder

and Oyster Stew,

Roast Beef Dinners.
Boiled Ham. Sandwiches.

Coffee - Tea - Milk.

Pie, Cakes - Like Mother Makes.

A Retrospect in History.

Ten Years Ago. (Aug. 24, 1906.)

One of the most severe electrical storms experienced in this locality in many years broke shortly after three o’clock Tuesday afternoon. Much damage was done in the village and surrounding country. The large barns on the Veeder place between Guilderland and Voorheesville, the barns of Charles Hurst near Guilderland Center, and the barn of Fred Joos, Jr., at Dunnsville, were struck by lightning and destroyed. The kitchen on the house of G. E. Stevens in the village was also struck. The lightning made a hole in the roof and following to the room below, but the building did not take fire.


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