Listen to music from the Revolutionary War as you eat lunch
To the Editor:
Back in April, I wrote about the need to support the Helderberg Senior Services lunch program held at the Hilltown Senior Center every Monday, Tuesday, and Friday, and about how I was providing “dinner music” to encourage attendance. This is an update to let your readers know that the music will continue on Fridays at noon!
While I usually play familiar tunes of the first half of the 20th Century, a special program is being planned for July 3 to commemorate Independence Day, featuring the music of the 18th Century. Perhaps you might even catch a glimpse of some Revolutionary War soldiers!
So, to quote from the Town of Berne website: Calling all Seniors! Lunch is available every Monday, Tuesday, and Friday at the Hilltown Senior Center, 1330 Helderberg Trail in Berne. Doors open at 11 a.m. with lunch served at noon. Gather with your friends and neighbors for a lively lunch and conversation. All are welcome!
Please make reservations in advance if possible. Call 872-9400, email [email protected], or sign up at a luncheon for an upcoming date. Contributions of your choice are appreciated, but not necessary. The program is provided by Helderberg Senior Services Inc., in partnership with the Albany County Department of Aging and Peter Young Industries
I hope lots of seniors come to have a nutritious lunch and to enjoy the music, which starts at noon!
Nancy Frueh
East Berne