Archive » January 2014 » News

The town's boards met with their attorney to review the document outlining their standards of conduct as public servants.

Knox Supervisor Michael Hammond defended his practice of compiling his own schedule of business during meetings, saying he makes it available to the town clerk the day before and often gets requests and correspondence in a narrow space of time.

Director of Public Works, Wayne LaChappelle, was appointed in August and is already receiving an increase in hours to keep up with his workload.

Appearing in Berne Town Court on Jan. 14, Mary Miesowicz and Harold Albright III faced much-reduced charges from their arrests for felony and misdemeanor offenses last March.

Currently, the town of Guilderland spends nearly $500,000 per year on electricity, and, if solar power is successful, the town hopes to save nearly $1.5 million in energy costs over the next 25 years.

A consultant said Guilderland could save 10 to 50 percent using solar energy instead of electricity, because the power would be produced locally, saving on distribution costs.

Tim Wiles performs "Casey at the Bat" but does not have the "haughty grandeur" of his alter ego; the president of the library board that just hired him as director says he is a team player.

Lan-Chi Vo a Farnsworth Middle School student, talks about “Vert Avenir,” which she and her schoolmates designed for the annual Future City competition, held this year at Proctor’s Theatre in Schenectady. Vert Avenir placed fifth in Saturday’s competition.

Knox's first official business district is one step closer to reality as the planning board finalized a map, stretching the length of the hamlet along Route 156.

Curtis Brisson, who broke into the Touch of Country shop will now be serving time for an earlier burglary, too, since he violated the rules of the Drug Court program.

Now staying with family, Lisa Kominos suspects a cinder from the chimney set her family's woodpile alight despite the rain and cold. A fund-raiser at The Hofbrau restaurant is being held on Jan. 23.

Berne-Knox-Westerlo School Board President Joan Adriance thanked speakers at the Jan. 13 board meeting who requested documents related to the dismissal of basketball coach Andrew Wright this fall.

Voorheesville's library, and high school were vandalized Jan. 13. The next day, a recent graduate and current senior were arrested.

The Public Service Commission asked companies for proposals to bring more power from upstate New York south to New York City. New lines may impact local aesthetics but could also increase tax revenue.
