Photos: Dutch Battle Hard In AA Championship

On Saturday, Nov. 4, the Guilderland girls’ volleyball team competed for the Section 2, Class AA sectional championship at Saratoga High School, for the first time in 11 years, against Columbia. The Dutch spiked and dug every ball but fell in five sets; 18-25, 28-26, 25-23, 12-25, 9-15.

The Enterprise — Michael Koff

Bringing the heat: Guilderland’s Layla Carrk brings her right hand towards the ball to spike it back across as Columbia’s Keira Cook attempts to block. Carrk had one ace, 12 digs, and four kills.

The Enterprise — Michael Koff

Powerful spike: Guilderland’s Liv Marino looks at the ball as she brings her right hand to spike the ball on the block attempt by Columbia’s Lauryn Forand. Marino had one ace, four digs, and two kills.

The Enterprise — Michael Koff

Tag team: Guilderland’s Avery McPherson (11) and Katie Dickerson (7) leap up to block Columbia’s Lauryn Forand’s shot.

The Enterprise — Michael Koff

Cross court: Guilderland’s Emma Codden spikes the ball to the other side of the court as Columbia’s Ava Tran tries to block. Codden had two aces, 17 digs, 10 kills and an assist.

The Enterprise — Michael Koff

Deep concentration: Guilderland’s Hailey Altschule keeps her eyes on the ball as she bumps it towards a teammate.

The Enterprise — Michael Koff

Tippy toe: Guilderland’s Maddie Motto looks up at the ball as she prepares to leap up to hit her serve. Motto had six digs and five kills.

The Enterprise — Michael Koff

Passing machine: Guilderland’s Lauren Wasserbach looks to set the ball to either Maddie Motto (9) or to Avery McPherson (11) for a spike. Wasserbach had one ace, seven digs, one kill, and 10 assists.

The Enterprise — Michael Koff

Here it comes: Guilderland’s Liv Rollins leaps up to spike the ball past Columbia’s Ava Tran. Rollins had one dig.

The Enterprise — Michael Koff

All out dive: Guilderland’s Emma Codden lunges towards the falling ball after a Columbia shot.

The Enterprise — Michael Koff

Cheering on their favorites: Family members of the Guilderland team wave large photos of Katie Dickerson (7), Maddie Motto (9) and Liv Marino (15) after Guilderland won a point.

The Enterprise — Michael Koff

Gotcha! Guilderland’s Katie Dickerson fakes out the Columbia defense as she spins towards them to dunk a shot in for a winner. Dickerson had four digs, one block, one kill, and 12 assists.

The Enterprise — Michael Koff

Eyes locked: Guilderland’s Taylor Yund turns her body so her arms are right under the ball as she bumps it towards a teammate. Yund had 23 digs and one assist.

The Enterprise — Michael Koff

Flying across: Guilderland’s Emma Codden soars along the net as she spikes home a winner.

The Enterprise — Michael Koff

Splitting the defense: Guilderland’s Maddie Motto looks to spike the ball right in between Columbia’s Ava Tran (1) and Lauryn Forand (8).

The Enterprise — Michael Koff

Setting machine: Guilderland’s Katie Dickerson looks up at the ball as she prepares to have the ball go in between her hands. Dickerson had four digs, one block, one kill, and 12 assists.

The Enterprise — Michael Koff

Don’t think so: Guilderland’s Katie Dickerson leaps up to block Columbia’s Lauryn Forand for a block.

The Enterprise — Michael Koff

Good shot: Guilderland’s Avery McPherson looks at the ball as she prepares to spike it past Columbia’s Emma Mitchell. McPherson had four digs, one block, four kills and an ace.

The Enterprise — Michael Koff

Floater: Guilderland’s Maddie Motto looks to take a shot and get it past Niskayuna’s Ava Schewe. Motto had four kills, one assist, 12 digs, a block and an ace in the semifinals.

The Enterprise — Michael Koff

Bringing the block: Guilderland’s Maddie Motto (9) and Avery McPherson (11) leap up with their arms extended in hopes to stop Niskayuna’s Ava Schewe.

The Enterprise — Michael Koff

Keeping it up: Guilderland’s Maddie Motto, looks wide eyed, as she gets her arms under the ball to bump it towards a teammate.

The Enterprise — Michael Koff

Getting low: Guilderland’s Taylor Yund squats down to bump the ball last Wednesday. Yund had two kills, three assists and 27 digs in the semifinal win.

The Enterprise — Michael Koff

I got this: Guilderland’s Maddie Motto bumps the ball towards a teammate.

The Enterprise — Michael Koff

Here you go: Guilderland’s Lauren Wasserbach looks at the ball as she sets it for her teammate Avery McPherson. Wasserbach had 14 assists, five digs, and one ace last Wednesday.

The Enterprise — Michael Koff

Not letting it fall: Guilderland’s Taylor Yund gets as low as she can get so that she can get her arms under the ball to get it to a teammate.

The Enterprise — Michael Koff

Passing across: Guilderland’s Katie Dickerson watches the ball go in between her hands as she gets ready to set it over to a teammate. Dickerson had three kills, 15 assists, two digs and a block last Wednesday.

The Enterprise — Michael Koff

Angry spike: Guilderland’s Liv Marino looks at the ball as she brings her right arm towards to spike the ball past Niskayuna’s Natalie Birmingham. Marino had two kills, one block and an ace last Wednesday.