Altamont Library Notes for Friday, May 9, 2014

The Altamont Free Library is planning to make a genuine, first-class, no-holds-barred fund-raising effort in conjunction with the annual village-wide garage sale on May 3.

Ours of course will be a garage and book sale. We’ll be offering many recently culled books, and asking our community supporters to donate books of their own, along with garage sale items.  We’ll be accepting all donations on Thursday and Friday afternoons, May 1 and 2.


Our annual spring bird walk is scheduled for Wednesday, May 7.  Spring is probably the most exciting, most rewarding season for birders. So meet at the library at 9 a.m., and we’ll migrate via carpool to Brandle Road. Dan and Christine Capuano will again be our sharp-eyed leaders and experienced identifiers.

Story time

We probably don’t give story time enough press.  That’s too bad. It deserves more.  Kids love it.  So do their moms, dads, and other caregivers. It’s full of music and movement, kids in the spotlight, kids making friends. Kids being shy, kids getting braver. Simple crafts and finger plays. And at the center a wonderful, well-told story.

Give story time a try.  Every Wednesday at 10:30 a.m.  All ages are welcome. More than welcome.