Share Hilltown fancywork at our show
To the Editor:
The historical societies of Knox and Berne are joining forces for a display of the “Artistic Quilts and Needlework of Knox and Berne.” This quilt and needlework show will be held on Sunday, July 17, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Knox Town Hall.
Quilting and needlework have been important activities in the Hilltowns for many years. In the minutes of the Knox Reformed Church Ladies’ Aid Society, the ladies referred to their “fancywork” in addition to the quilts they made in the church hall.
The historical societies want to recognize how this tradition of quilting and knitting and crocheting is continuing to this day. If you have a quilt or a knitted or crocheted afghan that was made in Knox or Berne and you would like to display it in the show, please contact me at 872-2161 or Sandra Stempel at 872-0431.